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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. It works like regular Netflix, but with the added option of streaming SOME movies to your xbox directly. Not all of their movies are available to stream, but you can check their website and see which ones are available (they will have an option to "add to your instant queue"). Along with streaming, you can just order DVD's from the website by mail, then return them whenever you are done. There are a bunch of different subscription levels, the cheapest one only gives you 2 hours of streaming per month, but any level besides that one gives you unlimited streaming. I think the cheapest unlimited streaming one is like 7 bucks or something. Basically it's like Blockbuster, but instead of going to the store you just send it back to them and they send the next one you have on your list.
  2. This is a pretty accurate description. They also sell beer and wine which is pretty baller for a discount store.
  3. I grew up near Cleveland too, had like 3 of these places within 10 minutes from my house. Good deals on food, and I remember it being one of the only places left where they still manually enter the prices into the register.
  4. Must be a great feeling, if all goes as planned I'll be done this time next year. Congrats.
  5. I think sympathy isn't the issue here, it's the fact that 96 dollars is an absurd fee to tack on to a 4 dollar ticket. There is no way that any amount of work the parking people had to do as a result of him forgetting his wallet is worth that much money. Most of them probably make $7.30 an hour as it is.
  6. I'm sure they'll get Gee a new bowtie or something.
  7. I heard there is a Sushi Rock in Columbus. I've been to the one in Beechwood up near Cleveland multiple times and thought it was really good, but expensive unless you go on half-price nights. As much as I like sushi I've never been to many good restaurants, so I'm not really sure how this place compares (being a chain and all).
  8. I might be the only one who'd go for the first-gen RX7. I'm kind of biased because my dad had a GSL-SE of nearly the same color when I was younger. The Jetta is pretty nice too.
  9. I know the kid in that commercial, my friend goes to CSCC and I guess he does also. Aside from the cheesy commercials, it's actually a pretty serious business and a lot of their customers really do just want to grow vegetables.
  10. I was never really into music like this, but someone sent me this song and I instantly downloaded the album. I like that it's relatively simple and chill music without being boring, the real heavy techno stuff never did it for me. I've heard of both Autechre and Aphex Twin, but only because a few of their songs pop up on my last.fm radio sometimes. Seems pretty cool but I don't know much about them. Previous to Deadmau5, my only experience with electronica was Darude, but then again I was in junior high and also thought Linkin Park had talent .
  11. The Room is great, saw it when they played it for the April Fool's joke on Adult Swim and ordered it online the next day. Every person I've shown it too can't believe it was ever made.
  12. My buddy is in Italy right now waiting to be sent to Afghanistan, I know he's in some kind of Airborne Rangers program but that's all I know. Hope you guys stay safe out there.
  13. Is the video coming out of your laptop through DVI, then going into the TV through HDMI? If so I think some TV's have a specific HDMI port that you use when using a DVI output.
  14. I wonder if that has to do with how easy this stuff is to get, especially in a campus area or any younger area. Not to mention the doctors who will prescribe you oxycontin for even minor pain.
  15. I think Opana is the brand name for oxymorphone, so it has some similarities to morphine. I guess it would depend on how often he uses it and how much he uses, might not be something to be concerned about if it's a rare thing but some people have a lot tougher time not becoming addicted to things.
  16. Hopefully that means he wasn't a hardcore user, because I'm pretty sure if you are a real heavy user that sometimes going cold turkey is dangerous for the body. Some people need to use things like suboxone to take the edge off both mentally and physically until their body can learn to operate without opiates.
  17. After personally knowing people who were seriously addicted to heroin, I have a whole new understanding for how tough it is to kick the habit. The people who say "why don't they just quit, it can't be that tough" really don't know how bad that stuff can get a hold on your life.
  18. Almost had a situation like that happen to one of my friends, luckily he cleaned himself up without needing to go to rehab but it's still not fun to watch people you care about screw themselves up. Glad your friend finally realized it's not worth it in the long run.
  19. I've got WOW and it just tested at 2 down and 1 up, but my roommate is also on xbox live. Hasn't seemed slow though.
  20. Obviously you're not a golfer.
  21. I'm going to be the guy in your avatar. Just need to go buy a tan robe and some half and half.
  22. My roommate is doing exactly that, said he did it last year too and only a few people thought it was offensive.
  23. I signed up but used some Wal-Mart's phone number instead of my own, someone told me they try to call before you get it to make sure it's you so I might be screwed.
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