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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. I usually play tetris until I can't keep my eyes open. For some reason it drains that last little bit of energy from me and I can pass out with no problems.
  2. http://www.bestweekever.tv/bwe/images/2008/05/PRISON%20MIKE%20MEETS%20RYAN.jpg
  3. I would consider doing it for a year, maybe two.
  4. Drama used to be my favorite, but this season Ari just seemed to do something awesome and/or badass nearly every episode. Plus he's got some great lines. "The jew has arrived and he doesn't like germans."
  5. Probably something I should check into. I got this new phone with a bunch of shit I don't know how to use, I'm sure it's got a scheduler in there somewhere. I got it done around 5 this morning, could've been worse .
  6. This was mostly a result of me not looking at the syllabus since two or three weeks ago. Combine that with Michigan weekend festivities, and I guess it's easy to see what happened.
  7. Anyone ever forgotten about a paper until 3:00 on the morning that it's due? Just realized I have a fairly long essay to write for 20 percent of my final grade, looks like I won't be getting sleep anytime soon .
  8. Yea that seems to be what's going to happen, but the reason that show is so good is because they come up with ridiculous ways of doing the murder and then getting rid of the body. It's going to be something extra fucked up for Miguel I bet.
  9. Final episode was great. Ari is now my favorite character in this show, but it looks like we have to wait until this summer for the new season. Dexter is fucking sweet as well. I was getting bored with this season because there was too much focus on the whole getting married crap and not enough clever kills. But tonight started to spice things up a bit.
  10. At first glance I thought the ad said buy one, get two free. Now THAT would be a deal.
  11. http://www.drpepper.com/freeDrPepper/ That's the actual URL if you wanna be quick about it.
  12. Signed up for my coupon last night. 4-6 weeks is weaksauce though.
  13. That car looks like a ray charles design no matter what condition it's in. Should make a great sleeper though.
  14. Yea, OSU has their "carmen" online system that includes lists of names and emails for everyone in the class. Pretty lame that a professor won't respond to emails though, most have a policy that they will respond to you within a day or two at the most.
  15. Try living so close to a Wendy's that you can read the drive-thru menu from your kitchen window. Worst apartment location I've been in yet. But it's soooo good.
  16. http://pro.corbis.com/images/CB035172.jpg?size=572&uid=%7B63B4D3EE-D8D0-4D89-BA02-798F835A18CA%7D
  17. Flyin Miata


    http://enstxzrnsprxt.6hops.net/USB_Bloomin_Breezy_Fan1rlStandard.jpg Anyone jump on this?
  18. That's a different rollbar, I've never seen one like that before. Did you buy it or is it a custom piece? Nice cars btw, enjoy the site.
  19. Flyin Miata


    Wonder what the chances are of this ending in a bag of crap??
  20. I don't have any finals to worry about until December, stupid quarter system. I do however have a paper to write about a project I never did using notes that I never took. Luckily I'm a great bullshitter...
  21. I use a first-gen Miata too. You wouldn't believe how well they handle the white stuff with Blizzaks all around. I live in a heavy lake effect snow area for about a month during the winter and to this day I've never gotten it stuck. Just have to remember: momentum, momentum, and more momentum .
  22. Probably because you didn't check the date of the original post. Was talking about this: http://www.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=6436
  23. HAHA that was great, I might have thought differently if I didn't skip to the end after getting about 1/3 of the way through. +rep.
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