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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. My dad's '68 Mini uses 10 inch wheels. He got pulled over once and all the cop could say was "How were you going so fast on those little things?"
  2. I see you driving down Woodruff a lot on my way to class, car looks good.
  3. This weather also brings out some great homeless guys around Columbus. Like the one that I found asleep in front of my car last night when I walked into my garage. But yes, it is about time for some top down action today. Can't wait.
  4. Bullshit. I weigh on the high side of 240 lbs, I have daily driven mine since I was 16 and have never once felt uncomfortable in it. If you have long legs, then it might be a different story.
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/Sam-Samuel-Adams-Utopias-Utopia-2007-LIMITED-EDITION_W0QQitemZ330226943801QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Flyin Miata


    I drove my Miata all winter, no traction control or ABS, and it weighs nearly nothing. The only time in the last 2 winters that I have not been able to go somewhere due to snow was the "blizzard" of 2008. Get yourself a set of good snow tires and call it a day.
  7. +1, where'd you go off to? There hasn't been nearly enough arguing going on over in the nightcrew forum.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG5B7ztN1mc No CGI was used to make it, supposedly. Pretty neat stuff.
  9. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49317
  10. Just think, you can probably buy an entire tank of gas with your savings. Hopefully that still holds true with future gas prices.
  11. Flyin Miata


    Haha never knew you were on here, I think that makes at least 3 forums that I've seen you on now.
  12. Oh my god everything you have said here makes perfect sense. Where do I sign up?
  13. Not sure if you've ever been to Paris, but these things were more popular than I could ever believe. There were all over the place, and it was fun to watch a big car pull away from a parallel parking spot and see two smart cars fit in the same area.
  14. For future reference, don't post any vins or carfax requests on a forum.
  15. I think on certain cars with certain colors it can be pulled off well. There just aren't quite as many good looking combos as there are with black wheels. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/archives/IMAGES/miatakosei.jpg
  16. Hey, if I'm forced to drive something domestic, might as well go for the full experience right?
  17. Either a Firebird Formula or a GTO most likely.
  18. Remind me to never buy a car from you.
  19. It's gonna take a few hours for me to sort through the mountain of info you've provided here...
  20. So basically... it's Stone Temple Pilots and a bunch of shit bands? No thanks.
  21. Do you plan on tinting the windows at all? That may affect how well the look goes with your car. Either way I think it will look nice though, it's subtle enough to not be too noticeable.
  22. Buy one, sell the free one. Then take the cash from the sale and trade the other one plus cash on something you actually want. Might be more work than it's worth, but if you're really in the market for a new car it could be worth a shot.
  23. 135, did the best in knowledge storage. Not sure how knowing a bunch of adages corresponds with your IQ, but still a fun little test.
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