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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. http://www.clevelandracing.com/forums/images/smilies2/420.gif
  2. Yes, but many (most?) people don't inhale cigar smoke, they draw it into their mouth and exhale for the taste. I think if you inhale an entire cigar it's like 5 or 10 cigarettes.
  3. Honest question: when did they stop saying the pledge in school? I was still saying it in 2006 when I graduated, and I heard talk of them trying to stop it but never knew that it happened. But anyways, I don't think it's as much of an issue of respect as you are trying to make it out to be. He didn't say he wanted to skip the National Anthem explicitly because he found it unnecessary or because he just doesn't like it. They wanted to use as much time as possible to cover important issues that they felt needed to be discussed. This is just my opinion, but I think that spending more time discussing what we need to do to fix the problems our country is facing right now is just as respectful, if not more so, than singing the National Anthem. But what do I know, I'm only a kid (not directed toward you, Rick).
  4. Would you have thrown such a hissy fit if McCain did the same thing? And I'm not even going to respond to your problem with my age, that has nothing to do with this and I'm not sure why you even brought it up in the first place. But if you want to attack my age instead of explain why you found such a problem with the National Anthem being skipped one time, then be my guest.
  5. The world supply of "mommas boy" jokes is already near gone, please move on to another joke. You know, jokes, those things that are funny? I haven't seen a good one from you yet.
  6. Oh my god, I see it now! He must be un-American because he favored using his time for more speakers than having the National Anthem sung! This has completely changed my view on Obama.
  7. I got one of the first MacBook Pro's that were out, and to this day the only major problem I've had was the power adapter fraying near the magnetic connector. And they fixed that under warranty, no questions asked. As much as I'd love a new one, I'm gonna see how long this one will last. I think I read somewhere that the new Macbooks have the right connector for the optical drive to allow it to be replaced by another hard drive. So you could technically have a Macbook with 1 terabyte of space. Kekeke .
  8. http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg286/marcusbushwick/blog%20fodder/hillbilly.jpg
  9. Just take her hard from behind. It'll take care of everything from A to Z!
  10. If you have to ask whether or not it's a scam...
  11. I think my grandparents have probably seen these. And they don't even have the internet... Still funny though.
  12. Some guy got his 350z absolutely ruined. More pics at http://my350z.com/forum/lounge-off-topic/389628-horrible-body-shop-experience-details-inside-350z-ruined.html http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii246/CrimsonRockett/DSCF0361.jpg http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii246/CrimsonRockett/DSCF0381.jpg http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii246/CrimsonRockett/DSCF0356.jpg
  13. This is starting to sound like the Ashtabula of western Ohio .
  14. Nice cars, and really nice garage. I work at a Toyota dealership and love seeing the older Supras come in (only because no one brings any MKIV's to a dealership for work). Welcome!
  15. I bought my Macbook Pro two years ago, the summer before I started college. What I really like about OSX (besides the overall aesthetics of the interface) is it's ease of use. I'm not really technically challenged, but I don't see the need to over complicate things if it's not necessary. Things just seem to work easier with less set up than anything I used to do with Windows. And yes, you can get Microsoft Office for Mac and it is nearly the same as you would see it on a Windows box. Downsides are you have a very limited choice of games, but I'm not really a gamer so this doesn't bother me one bit. I've also never installed any virus/spyware removers on my computer, and have never once had a virus or anything. Nice thing about having a less common operating system is that the majority of viruses are not written to affect OSX. If you have any other questions about the Macbook Pros, PM me. Mine is a couple years old now but I'll try and help you out.
  16. Be prepared for this thread to turn into a bunch of Mac people arguing against a bunch of PC people. It's almost inevitable.
  17. Being a porter is probably the easiest auto industry job you can get. Pay usually isn't great, but I do it during the summer and you basically get paid to drive. You usually just have to wash/dry cars, move cars, pick people up, run errands, etc. Gopher work, but it's easy as pie.
  18. Flyin Miata


    I made this mistake at a New Year's Eve party a couple years ago. Took 2 of them, and drank a buttload of rum. I puked out things that I'm pretty sure used to be part of my liver, and that was more than enough to teach me a lesson. But lortabs on their own are still a lot of fun
  19. Sounds good, I'll be moving back to campus around the middle of September. My driver side seat does sit a bit lower though since a lot of the padding inside has been worn down, but it should still give you a general idea. The biggest thing is getting used to having two big diagonal bars in your rearview mirror, but it really isn't that bad.
  20. That was taken a few years ago I think. The paint on the sides still shines pretty damn good for it's age, but the front bumper is almost pink now and waxing or polishing it only rips more paint off. I guess it was a problem they had the first few years in the painting process that they eventually fixed. I'll try and take a pic sometime to show how much worse it has become. As for the roll bar, I'm 99% sure it's this one. I use a hard top during the winter and it fits perfectly with it. I'm about 5 foot 8 inches, so I'm just about the right height for a Miata, but I've had no complaints about the bar. It's a good thing to have if you plan on doing autocrossing or road racing (some events at certain tracks will require a bar if I'm not mistaken), plus I think it makes the car look a little less like the official AARP cruiser.
  21. Was it a white car? I remember seeing what I thought was a VR4 with some insanely wide rubber, but I can't recall where.
  22. My first step would be to go to an event and find someone who will let you ride along for a run or two. The closer the car is to yours, the better. It takes a lot of practice though, I've seen too many people give up after one event because they came in dead fucking last.
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