Where'd it happen? I think car thefts around campus are on the rise, I've seen quite a few piles of broken window glass just on my street these past couple of weeks.
Glad you didn't lose anything valuable though.
I would assume it's partly to make sure the censors can go through live programming just in case something happens. Also could be to help out the closed caption writers for live tv maybe?
I work at an on-campus burrito place at OSU, and we stock Choco Tacos. It may be one of the few reasons I'm still working there to be honest, I have way too many of those per week.
This used to be on Speedvision quite often when they still had that saturday night drive-in thing or whatever it was called. They played all sorts of old racing movies, but I highly doubt that they still do this.
Just saw it tonight as well, I thought it was great and it's not the type of movie I usually go see. Graphics are great, some good humor, and of course the Audi R8 was a nice touch.
I'm not sure why they would make this illegal. If anything you can say you just don't want to pull up all the way because of retards that cut corners short and might hit you. I've been in a car when an accident just like that happened and now I always sit back a little bit behind the white line.