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Everything posted by Vander

  1. Does it just need the plastic fan blade, or the fan clutch?
  2. I believe Wirthman's has 8 acres of just cash for clunker cars
  3. Interested in a 99 Camry?
  4. 99 Camry, a little higher then you stated.....$3,800. But let me know if you're interested
  5. I have a 1999 Toyota Camry. Clean, strong engine. If you think you may be interested I can send you more info.
  6. Vander

    Mac computer ?

    I am having trouble with something on my mac, hopefully someone can help me... I had a file in my trash can and I dragged it out and put it on my desktop. Then when I put it back in the trash, the # of items in the trash went back to what it was before, but I can not find the item at all. It is not labeled so I can not search for it by name. Any help? I'm more of a pc person.
  7. A friend of mine owns this, and wants to know what it is worth. Swith & Wesson. From about 1920. 32 caliber. Revolver holds 6 bolts. Chrome plated. Thats all I know. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb315/Vander6/32gauge.jpg
  8. How many hours did that take you?
  9. I want to see more picture of how big this dog is!
  10. The 1UZ-FE in the SC400 is amazing! I have 2 LS 400's with the same engine. If you end up buying the SC400 I can work on it for you, I know that engine extremely well. Some 1UZ-FE's have gone over 500,000 miles. Also it was rated 1 of the top 10 engines of the 20th century!
  11. Paint looks clean, I'm guessing you had Hoblick detail it?
  12. Sounds like a race for Shanton in his Volkswagon
  13. I dont know much about rotaries. But on a normal car you take off the intake pipe, and spray starting fluid into the throttle body. If the car starts then dies down it is the fuel pump
  14. Good luck, I like the state trooper with car intimidation idea
  15. Why did you tear it down? How many miles are on it?
  16. Vander

    Shop Lights

    How much do each of them weigh?
  17. All 3 are very good. I dont know the condition of your Eclipse or what you're specifically looking to have done. But check out what Ryan Hoblick did on my Landcruiser, he did an amazing job!
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