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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. You have idiot drivers everywhere. I had someone try to push me over today on rt 33. I have a close call almost everyday while driving my truck and trailer around the city. Im sure the odds are worse for me since I drive so much. Now in Florida what I noticed is that everyone seems to race from one light to another. I mean they take off like they are drag racing you from light to light but its just the way they drive.
  2. That works. 8:30 seems early though. Maybe necessary to get a large parking area I suppose. I can't remember when everyone starts to pull in. I was not their last year. I think 2 years ago I was.
  3. I agree, I was going to post the same comment.
  4. I'm going. It is suppose to be 78 degrees this weekend. Maybe we could meet at the shopping center parking lot at 161/33 in front of the tim hortons, just a suggestion.
  5. While back I was working in clintonville and a homeless man came up to my truck while I was parked and asked me for food,well I just finished my lunch and all I had was an apple and a banana left so I offerd him both. He turned down the apple because he had no teeth but was very appreciative of the banana.I watched him eat it as he walked away. He was actually holding back tears when he asked me. True story. Never judge a book by its cover.
  6. 555 sounds good. We just need to do the impossible now and get a date set that corresponds with everyone's schedule.
  7. Tim's new personal home defense weapon of choice > http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/1ef82877-7831-41e7-8bf1-b97174efe47f_100.jpg
  8. Front end looks ok. Rear of car is to big. Do no care for the center exhaust. Drivetrain is the only good thing on this mustang. I would not even trade my C5 Z06 even for this unless it was only for financial reasons. Sell mustang buy new Z06 and have extra cash for mods.
  9. Maybe the first weekend in October depending on weather and those MR2 owners, lol had to throw that in there.
  10. I still like ebay. I sold four cars on ebay in the past , 70 Chevelle SS,56 Chevy 210 Pro Street, 56 Chevy 2 door wagon, and the 01 WS6. I then found my Z06 on ebay and drove to New Jersy to finalize the transaction. I just bought an extra cell phone charger + car charger for my droid inc for 6 bucks shipped off ebay. If it works ok that is cheap.
  11. Change of plans for me. We will reschedule this so that we can get a large group together for the drive
  12. Ok I decided it is going to be to nice of a day to stay home and work on house. So I am going and will be leaving from the cars and coffee let me know if you are going. Spankis your idea sounds good. For everyone else interested but can't make it on this short notice we can set up another trip for a future date.
  13. It is going to be a nice weekend but this is a short notice for some that would want to join in. My original weekend plan was to get my house ready for paint, not to much fun. I would still be interested though if we get enough people committed.
  14. Is there one scheduled ? Unless my memory is failing me I remember reading about one a while back.
  15. Im looking for a 9mm or 45 acp compact size. PM me if you have one or know of one for sale. Thanks !
  16. I would try dish soap and water first. This is why I have a dehumidifer in my garage. My garage is very damp at times.
  17. BrianZ06

    Meet tonight?

    Awfully dam hot to be having a bon fire.
  18. I remember pulling out and leaving out of the lot with a lambo and a ferrari last year. I felt so cool,lol.
  19. Nice wheels. I would not mind having an extra set to put some sticky tires on. My Fikse wheels have treated me well. Need pics.
  20. I was their last year and arrived late so I got in free just to look around. Some interesting cars to check out.
  21. and I thought my instructor was laid back and easy going.
  22. If you were in my area I would be all over your yard. I just do not have any work in that area. My suggestion for crabgrass is to slice/slit seed those areas heavy in early to mid fall since crabgrass goes dormant in the winter. Now with that said the crabgrass seeds will still be their waiting to take off and grow next spring. You should then apply your pre-emergment for crabgrass to kill the seeds before the temperature reachs into the 50 degree temps for 3 days or more.
  23. PM me their address and I will stop by and measure the yard and get back with you on a price.
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