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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. There will most likely be one desiginated area inside that is smoke free. The smoke in these places does get pretty bad, dam right nasty at times.
  2. Some times I wish I lived in town but situations like this make me glad I live in the sticks with a corn field across the street. Some people just have to much time on their hands and nothing else to do.
  3. I have a 180 t stat and that is where it goes on these hot days. Cooler is better. I can feel a difference. What temp t stat do you have ?
  4. BrianZ06

    7/23 dinner.

    This sounds tempting. Never been their. Been outside a lot today and a little tired right now but still might show.
  5. BrianZ06


    It is a mix of rice and muscle. I show up their once in a while just to blow the cob webs out of the pipes and to see someone do something stupid.
  6. I have to admit out here in the sticks where I live there are a lot of bike riders and i usually bitch,moan and grown everytime I have to go around them. Mainly because we have a lot of hills and dips that makes it really tough to go around them safely. If they all went single file it would help but when they act like they own the road and go 3 wide it does piss me off. Many of times I have gone down a hill and come up on them.
  7. Im going to watch but my expectations are not to high.
  8. Looks like everything took off pretty good. You must have got an early start on planting. We did not even get a tomato plant in the ground this year.
  9. My Mopar collection. Just a few of my oldies. I have a small collection of old and new. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1185.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1194.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1190.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1191.jpg
  10. Don't forget a movie deal down the road.
  11. Looks like it would be a little risky standing on the edge of the road as a spectator. Even as a driver it seems like you would be a little nervous driving so close to them. I guess after you do this a few hundred times you get use to it.
  12. Thanks for the info. I'm sure I could dodge a few cones and run a few over at the same time.
  13. This sounds like a lot of fun. I have always wanted to participate in one of these.
  14. BrianZ06


    How late will you guys be their ????
  15. Dublin got hit hard. Out here in Marysville we got off easy. Hey Tim look at this way your grass is loving it and should really start growing now,lol.
  16. I have been looking forward to meeting up again but I can not believe my sinus infection that I had last time just came back 3 days ago. It was all cleared up for probably 3 weeks. How ironic is that. I might be easy money if I come. I need to decide man up and forget about it or bail out. I have a hard time turning down playing cards.
  17. How many are commited so far ? Im still remembering the one hand I had with Howard when we both went all in pre flop on pockets pairs and both of us caught sets. What drama lol.
  18. That car does look familiar. I remember this little get together. It was so dam hot out that day the wife and I spent the whole time inside the bar/restaurant. I might check it out again if nothing else is going on. Im not much of a car show guy anymore but as long as there is a place to go in and hang out with others they are ok
  19. I saw this car today in clintonville.
  20. I do need a new camera. This was taken with an old Kodak Easy Share in a garage with poor lighting. My Droid Incredible takes pretty nice pics for being a phone.
  21. Poser checking in. I have seriously thought about removing these since I bought the car,but most everyone who has seen them has said they would leave them on. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1519.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1517.jpg
  22. Can't wait to see how the pics turned out. Thanks Tim. I'm finishing up a landscaping job now. Busy day for me . From car gatherings and gearheads to planting and making up flower pots. My day is full.
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