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Everything posted by Farley

  1. lol not you... if it was you i am sure i wouldve heard about it already n e ways. considering the recent drama lol so how does it feel to know your dog is gay? lol
  2. lol ill leave it at that.. ive alreayd been warned about my illicit comments.
  3. http://www.andiamsomebody.com/uploads/dress_your_gay_dog.jpg
  4. Farley

    Weight update

    i dont like gyms.... free weight.. a heavy bag...and a jump rope.. thats really all you need. and a no carb high protein diet.. and youll be set to loose alot of fat but gain/retain muscle.
  5. if your gng to go big.. go big... Ducati 1098 S totally amazing bike.. what other bike comes with its own data logger built in?
  6. aminated??????!?!?!?! ....... :bs:
  7. what about the RS? there pretty much BA. "Verse's all-trac was an 88 I believe which is an ST165 not an ST185 which has the 3SGTE motor" was there ever a year that was equipped with it? i was under the assumption that the 3sgte never hit the usa?
  8. does it have the 3sgte motor in it? ....gt4 does
  9. or you could be smart and buy the zune.... better... more durable.. bigger screen... easyier to use than the manic scroll feature
  10. if price and being able to find the car..wasnt a problem.... -- 1998 impreza 22b -- celica gt4
  11. yeah... or they could ...................... the whole movie and it could suck BIG time... but lets hope they dont..
  12. u guys should have a DB drag there also... hehe make a little noise.
  13. http://www.sportcompactcarweb.com/features/0212scc_scca_rally_classes/photo_05.html thats a srt-4 with mad lights.
  14. itll be good... after this we3ekend n e thing warm and sunny is good for me.
  15. they arent to bad.. but ill stick with a sidekick
  16. ill race ya... but to make it fair ill start backwards.
  17. no they only checked for inspection of shit when u try to waiver out with repairs. not when your trying to pass regularly
  18. yea gotta give it like a few days dude.
  19. very very true....depends on the car really and whos inspecting it.... i liked to rain on peoples parade and catch people in lies alot... but hey it all depends most of the people dont know alot about cars.
  20. Farley

    Track Wednesday

    hahaha... oh so true.
  21. i got 4 550cc injectors. i just upgraded to fic 850cc injectors. ill sell for $125
  22. Farley

    Track Wednesday

    ....theres always exceptions to the rule.... lol
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