lol not you...
if it was you i am sure i wouldve heard about it already n e ways. considering the recent drama lol
so how does it feel to know your dog is gay? lol
i dont like gyms....
free weight.. a heavy bag...and a jump rope.. thats really all you need.
and a no carb high protein diet.. and youll be set to loose alot of fat but gain/retain muscle.
what about the RS? there pretty much BA.
"Verse's all-trac was an 88 I believe which is an ST165 not an ST185 which has the 3SGTE motor"
was there ever a year that was equipped with it? i was under the assumption that the 3sgte never hit the usa?
very very true....depends on the car really and whos inspecting it.... i liked to rain on peoples parade and catch people in lies alot... but hey it all depends most of the people dont know alot about cars.