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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley


    pssssh i aint no bitch!!!! Farley = :asshole:
  2. Farley


    "*.* is a bitch" ..... over post of the topic.. +1 for delete/lock of all bitch threads.
  3. OMFG!!!!! u guys are absolutly horrible......... what if somone actually does this? hahahah..... nvm it would be funny as hell what about... start/run then type in "deletree c:*.*' i believe the syntax is correct... that clears all cookies.. right? lol
  4. Farley

    VTEC99 is a bitch

    these threads are seriously retarded and over numbered... +1 for a lock/delete.
  5. the rednecks are taking a beating apparently today... 1s been banned? yess no?
  6. http://www.importatlanta.com/upload/files/33/dog%20retard.jpg
  7. big house + big garage=out rageous heating bill ....been there with my old house... your still loosing.. u might as well heat all 1200.... itd probibly only be a few hundred more.
  8. us racing?.....def locked....looseing doesnt matter to me.. especially in the formula.. i am currently sinking my money into another project that i will be def be looking for a rematch against you .. no matter the out come $300 ?? hey hey hey i jsut got outta college buddy 100 bucks is a shit ton for me lol ..... honestly depends on what happens in the next few days/next week...From the sounds of it i could be good to go in 3 weeks to a month(or sooner)... or down for a year...or more.( worst case senario)..
  9. Farley

    Forced Introduction

    that relationship would alreayd be fubar.
  10. lol thats how sam and i both come off.. msot people hate us at first because its hat we do... bu yeah. he was in town this weekend he actualyl jsut called me hes on his way back to cinci right now.
  11. Farley

    Insincere apology

    and this is a good attempt at an apology? .... wow u must like rubbin people the wrong way.
  12. hahah u know sam? omfg thats my boy... we cause some shit up here in NE ohio.. lemme tell you. did u meet him at a nissan meet?
  13. actually no asshole its blood work for cancer.
  14. hahaha notorious... thats bad .. "Farley, Come race me and see if I leave any pieces on the highway. I'm calling you out right now for Friday night in your super amazing Formula. $300, 40-140. If you do not accept this you need to go STFU and stop talking shit about Mustangs 'til you can beat one. I can tell you now that this is the slowest you will see my car, I would take the race." and ls-what if i loose it happens dont really care.. as to this friday i would be more than willing.. except i have to go and get blood work done for some very very bad news... its basically one or the other.. and the other isnt to likly.. so i cant do shit this weekend.. sorry postpone for good health?
  15. it was no attempt... just funny to see another mustang leave peices and parts lying on the highway lol and the mustang really was rocking 75+ on it...so by all means it shouldve beat it...
  16. i saw an omen last night...or just somthing pretty funny.. a completly stock 1991 sentra se-r(with an sr20de...headers exhaust,suspension..and completly stripepd interior..) ... ROLL race a 5.0 fox body... 30 roll( lol they only did one)....the sentra gets a half a car of the jump.... then the sentra just starts pulling on the fox body... i was behinde the mustang so i see the passenger jump for the back seat (opening the nitrous....baby.).. se-r shifts into what ever pulls a little more .. mustang apparently hit somthing.....myb the nitrous... all i know it my car got covered in oil..smoke... ... and nitrous bottle was an old welding tank.. and mustang owners get salty when they blow there shit and you blast "another one bites the dust" while pointing to ... http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h139/grover8/misc/Piss_On_Ford.jpg
  17. Farley

    computer question

    u should not be allowed to operate a computer... to MAJOR violations right there.. one... buying anything with Dell on the label.. Two ... vista?
  18. yeah.... herpegonasypyhilaidS?
  19. ooo... badass.... did not know this tid bit of information.
  20. i am not getting them... for that would be illeagle.... my fav person in the world is getting them for me..... MOMMY!!!!! lol i learned at an early age its better to have her on my side than against me.
  21. i would so def come out.... but yeah... i am currently at school.. and i move home TONIGHT!!!!!!! and i know all my friends back home are waiting for the party tonight lol i guess 2 kegs or more? plus i ahve a few friends coming in from out of town to see me.. i might be in c-bus tmr depending on the damage... but i dont know if ill be driving.. but now tha ti am home ill def be making trips down.. especially since my cousin lives right off osu campus.
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