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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley

    Track Wednesday

    if u had an f body u wouldnt ahve that problem.
  2. thats def close to being sex on wheels.
  3. Farley

    Track Wednesday

    hmmm dammint.. if i wasnt moving home from college id make the trek down.. my cousin is staged in cbus to do some mad partying lol let me know if u guys roll out again in like two weeks
  4. no dude thye make some good money i actualy jsut stopped banging a flight attendant becaus eher cousin found out. they make good money but they are absolutly wacked out.
  5. hmmm where are you located... i might be interested i need a stunt bike,.
  6. Farley

    FS: Porn

    hahahah that sux dude......
  7. Farley


    i dont think i ever introduced myself... but what is dis?
  8. ahh got ya... not a bad idea...i had to cover other people... lol
  9. gng to take a stab and say thats nto a good starter bike,
  10. lol what kind of insurance? i have additional "accedent" insurance on my pit .... or did.
  11. my first was a 98 gsx-r 750... so to each his own .. u want a 750.. get one.. jsut dont kill yourself and youll be ok.. i think 600 are a shade small.... ive ridden a few busa's and after cracking them i get on my bike and scare myself.
  12. ....we have to do a visual inspection to make sure the work ahs been done.. and if the recipet is from the same do or two days later... and u ahve spark plug wires on from 5 months ago... its not gng to fly.. you could pull that off with a fuel pump though.
  13. screw the bike... give me the blonde with the DD's
  14. how much pior riding experince do you havE? racing motocross really didnt do shit for me and i did it for years.. generally riding it helped.. but shit happens alot faster and fifferent on the street. and the other shit on the road is ALOT bigger.. and hurts alot more.
  15. youtube "bubb rubb" and your good to go..... thats what they work with lol
  16. hahaha very true. ....so why didnt u jsut take them get them mounted and put them on at home?
  17. Farley

    167 MPH, true?

    lol... idk he better have a clean driving record and one hell of a lawyer
  18. lol def sounds like it was an experince... i dont wanna have.
  19. Farley

    167 MPH, true?

    yeah.... but he still got picked up.. hes screwed. reckless...eluding...
  20. so a scca cage will make sure i dont get crap and a local strip?
  21. Can somone please kindly point me in the direction of a website to give me the specs on building a roll cage that is good for the SCCA. checked there site and myb i missed it but i couldnt find n e thing to helpful. and also local drag stips arent to stringent on there cages as far as i ahve seen..so would a scca cage be allowed?
  22. Farley

    167 MPH, true?

    damn dude.. that sux... 167.... u best keep gng if u even know you were clocked. and if u buzz a cop at 167...how can u actually be confirmed who you were? 167 mph passed somone standing still is pretty much a blur..
  23. Farley

    167 MPH, true?

    lame... where are the detaails?>
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