lol this is funny... i worked at echeck for a year and a half best high school job i ever had..amazing the look on 40 year old guys with there corvettes and having some 17 year old kid driving his precious mid life crisis fixer.
as far as passing echeck there are so many ways around it...its not funny.
--spend 300 dollars on emission related parts..pass for free..just have proof the work has been done and receipts with the buisnesses number and name printed on the paper.
(egr,cat,fuel pump,fuel injectors,spark plugs,wires,ignitions,headers..etc..there was a guy with a mustang that literally everycar he had come in...he owned a dealer ship..suddenly on its first visit with every car came in wiht a new set of heads that cost about 150 dollars..every time .. lol)
-- if your car is not OBD2 able(aka 1995 and older)...just slam that bitch to the ground.. if we cant put it on the dyno we do an idle test is it literally impossible to fail...even with straight pipe.
-- awd cars...non luck out and have no possible way to do an dyno test your free and clear.. lean it out a bit and turn the boost down....havent seen a awd dsm fail yet..and most are running with no cat. at least in my area.
--Gas caps your kinda SOL...unless you kno soone who can rig it..or you undo the cap adapter before the test..if u hav a bad gas cap.. your screwed no real way to fudge it unless you have somone working at the station to help ya.
-- oh.. n e one with a motor swap done.. do not say n e thing to the people there.. most of them are asshats and tell you your sol and make you go to twinsberg to hav it inspected. and then u get into crap with legalization and what not... most of the time they dont know enough about cars to even know its not the right motor in it to care.
theres a few more ways but ive ranted enough.
as far as state wide goes if we go state wide we will most likly be going to somthing like PA has.. and if we do.. the quality of cars will jump tremendously... E-check does not work.. the piles of garbage still pass.