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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley

    167 MPH, true?

    he stopped on a busa?...... thats jsut sad.. u get clocked at 167.. that means what u still have a gear or two to go?
  2. lol this is funny... i worked at echeck for a year and a half best high school job i ever had..amazing the look on 40 year old guys with there corvettes and having some 17 year old kid driving his precious mid life crisis fixer. as far as passing echeck there are so many ways around it...its not funny. --spend 300 dollars on emission related parts..pass for free..just have proof the work has been done and receipts with the buisnesses number and name printed on the paper. (egr,cat,fuel pump,fuel injectors,spark plugs,wires,ignitions,headers..etc..there was a guy with a mustang that literally everycar he had come in...he owned a dealer ship..suddenly on its first visit with every car came in wiht a new set of heads that cost about 150 dollars..every time .. lol) -- if your car is not OBD2 able(aka 1995 and older)...just slam that bitch to the ground.. if we cant put it on the dyno we do an idle test is it literally impossible to fail...even with straight pipe. -- awd cars...non OBD2..you luck out and have no possible way to do an dyno test your free and clear.. lean it out a bit and turn the boost down....havent seen a awd dsm fail yet..and most are running with no cat. at least in my area. --Gas caps your kinda SOL...unless you kno soone who can rig it..or you undo the cap adapter before the test..if u hav a bad gas cap.. your screwed no real way to fudge it unless you have somone working at the station to help ya. -- oh.. n e one with a motor swap done.. do not say n e thing to the people there.. most of them are asshats and tell you your sol and make you go to twinsberg to hav it inspected. and then u get into crap with legalization and what not... most of the time they dont know enough about cars to even know its not the right motor in it to care. theres a few more ways but ive ranted enough. as far as state wide goes if we go state wide we will most likly be going to somthing like PA has.. and if we do.. the quality of cars will jump tremendously... E-check does not work.. the piles of garbage still pass.
  3. that... or a half a bottle of jack FTW!
  4. stay away from dell... and alienware..alienware went downhill once dell bought them. personallyid look for the new hp'sthere coming out to be pretty decent
  5. opensource.org ....... FTW does everything MO does.. but for free... and IMO a little bit better.
  6. Farley

    Getting Into Bikes

    ....as stated with lesmosley01 just because you wont be and idoit doest mean somthing wont happen.... like my classic "woohoo i havent fallen in the first three weeks.. so ill bs with my buddies about it at my house... go for a ride and wash out stopping at an intersection becaue i decided to hit some gravel.." and i was gng less then 10mph.
  7. Farley

    Getting Into Bikes

    dude go buy a gsx-r 750... u can buy a decent used from like 1500 and up. my buddy has a 2002(i think..not sure on the year def 2000+) for 3k and only has 8500 miles and looks brand new. i am actually probibly gng to buy a 1997 for 1000 here in about a week. and as long as you respect the bike a 750 wont be to much.. but it def has the power to scare the shit out of you the moment you forget its still a beast.
  8. yeah so... my roomate calls me at like 1130 from a frat party and asks me to come pick him up... so being a good roomate i do the kid a favor right? the dumbshit had been eating buffalo chicken dip and downing jeager,lots of wine and beer...... well i pick him up and like 2 min away from home at a traffic light he whips open the door and pukes EVERYWHERE..... but he looked at me and said.. i got it all outside...so i forget about it... get home and inspect the damage.. all over inbetween the seat and the door jam.. like loaded.. so i spent two hours last night cleaning the bitch with random and multiple cleaning products.. and then i fabreezed the hell out of it.. i wake up this morning and it still smells.. the stians are gone but the smell lingers.. any one got a good product i can buy to demolish this smell.. or should i just say fuck it and buy new carpet?
  9. somone pissed in this kids wheaties also...
  10. ive heard of somthing like that before on a 4 wheeler....but never heard of it in a car... COULD be tru... HIGHLY doubtful...and it wouldnt be for sale
  11. nahhh....college sailor.. thats about it.. sorry no drugs here...unless underage comsumption is a drug by your standards...
  12. hahah nice..... to bad it wasnt somthing interesting...drug=LAME!!! he couldve bene sweet and just had you behinde him and do a nice littly power break jsut to make sure you not eating doughnuts and sleepin ...or staring at some bilboard :jerkit:
  13. whats was the crime if u dont mind me inquiring?
  14. hahah your an ass..... but he probibly deserved it.
  15. the bootleg wont work, but if you want some hacks you can always run those. bots are good to go... but the best has to be a protoss cann stack.. FTW!
  16. "one time deal only...$54.50..you go away ,deal gone." --Russel Peters FTW! and i def have enough to knock you into the +'s
  17. Farley

    Shit talking

    ...well ill make sure to steer clear of this guy....
  18. i dont need any more points.. ive racke dup hella amounts... thankfully i am down to a fair few.. but i had enough to hand them out like candy
  19. Farley

    Shit talking

    people will always randomly talk shit because its the nature of the ebast... unless theres drama no ones happy.. so be it. why it has to be amongst car people... i will never know
  20. eff that... i am about to do mine.. and thats going to be bad enough.. good luck though
  21. yeah theres a few programs as far as being free idk... ill check with my buddie see if he ahs a copy i might be able jsut to send it to you.
  22. a dsm with no problems? there is no such thing.
  23. thats pretty mean dude... id rock it. isnt there a company out of texas still making like full replicas of these cars?
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