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Everything posted by Farley

  1. sorry if we bother you? i go to both games in the D and down there in cbus.... but ive been a wings fan since i was like.. 6 ...
  2. a quick look usally fixes the problem....... if it doesnt... getting them completly blacked out hammered and elaving them at the bar is usally a good payback....or jsut punch them in the ehad and be like WTF?!?!!
  3. turn car on for ten mins prior to leaving.. get out your drivers license and start scraping.. did that for about a week in college in PA lol
  4. hahahaha next nice weekend.. i am gng to go park my formula at apollos and wait for him then..... gyros ftw!
  5. jesus christ who cares if its yellow.... i should paint my next one purple jsut to fuck with people. theres a fucking pink.. yes PINK honda accord running around up my way.
  6. the car is jsut as shitty as the oil eating motor.... amazingly your thread is better than both other fails.... keep talking and u might get some rep. but u still fail for wanting a goat.
  7. the admin like to pla some gamage with its members.
  8. shits weak... ill race him in the 66 vw and laugh when he fails.
  9. un ban his ass because i wanna see this oh so powerful ricer...
  10. i can do it jsut give me more of an idea of what you want.
  11. haHAHAHAH BOTH are quite luls
  12. what o you mean an ipod in? just get the ones where you can connect the ipod to it.
  13. fuck getting a new stand alone.... sell everything you own and build a 4 rotor HAHAHAHAHAHA good luck dude. rx7's are sweet but to fucking finiky for me to own one.
  14. Farley


    this is quite ebilly badass
  15. http://www.icanhasforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/star-wars-yoda-orly.jpg
  16. pretty true.... and hes the type no one would miss. Shit like this is exactly why i have no faith in the 5-oh... they will bend over ass backwards to bust someone doing a brunout in the bakc of a parking lot... but somone can stab/kill or rape... and walk the fuck away. Personally i hope the fucker gets tossed in.... most sexual preditors in prison dont have a fun time... let alone a safe time... dudes probibly going to wake up one day with his ass bleeding and a cig next to him on the floor..and of course a broken jaw/ribs or even stabbed...especially with children and women... "honor amongst cons" i guess is what you would call it. hopes and prayers go out to your family and sister....
  17. this thread is a fail..... who gives a shit. shit happens to bad cbus is now on lock and the 270 autobahn is butt fucked.. go to the west side and do some dig racing i guess... or go to cinci and race while the cops watch.. its kinda weird but it gets old after a while.
  18. ...........purple is purple bro.
  19. its not about posts its rep.... and then once u have rep... idk 50 posts or somthing idk... u might even have to be verified... i havent tried selling anything here. and purple? lol yea the stock wheels suck.. jsut kinda funny even with an exhaust people think my car is a 6 banger... pretty funny.
  20. Farley


    LMFAO!!!! i fail my bad lol.
  21. Farley


    not even close ur thrashing this kids thread to get yourself some attention. make your own damn thread of nonsense
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