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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley

    canker sores

    stop sucking dick you fucking mustang driving homo!!!!! salt water ftmfw
  2. yes sir. how does that work? saying a chrystler product is reliable is like saying a fucking rx7 with 880 primaries and 1660 secondary s gets good gas mileage... its a pure impossibility
  3. that was a given... i am kinda salty he didnt run the del sol.
  4. lol my car is literally being rolled into my garage tonight to be tore down... i doubt itll be together by the weekend....or by the end of the month for that matter... new tranny..clutch..engine..swapping the rear end. yeah i saw this plain white z28.....lol looked pretty quick
  5. nah man i thought..... SRT-4=gay? nice. i was pissed my car took a shit on me it woulda been fun.
  6. ahhh lol the man that came prepared with lawn chair for the asphalt bullshit session?
  7. what were you in? we you around for he srt4 to blow its tranny?
  8. Farley


    lol i wouldnt let you two asshats come anywhere near my newly bought faded rusted 62 vw bug.. let alone anything that has a half decent body..... and BUCK..... how does it feel that the countdown for your 15 year old kid is on for getting his drivers license... hehehehhehe cuz i sure as shit know i ruined my dads 2 week vacation 3rd day he was gone ... cell call went a lil like this... " dad.... i kinda took you z06 out for a trip around the block... and the sheriff almost arrested me.. apparently double over is reckless op" LOL woot woot for my first ticket...68 in a 25.... (industrial area at like 2 am... had to get on her a little bit..." worst was the fact they called my mom to come and get me...lawl
  9. lol i got a 33.. but glad to see i am not the only one who kept for getting 0 goes first lol
  10. ill race u from whatever to what ever for 100 lol
  11. thats like admitting you fail at life lol n j/k
  12. grow a pair and join the VR-t revolution. i was a previous vr owner.. then i went to college and sold her... and i have been looking for a spot on copy for some time now.. as soon as i find it.. i am buying one again. but for now my bugs will keep me happy.
  13. wow.. fail id like to see a dyno sheet on this 375..
  14. ^^ lol. christ u people are evil in cbus. kick the dog that is chasing you in the head.... eventually it will get the idea that chasing humans is a bad idea.
  15. that sucks... if i had a ls id rock the kit.. hella good deal.
  16. TT that track touring right? just kidding
  17. Now ya gone and done it... Now they all know what the M6 part means.... lame. /jk
  18. tripple whipple dude... stacked 5 foot out the hood.. and thats before my 6 stage 3/4 shot of da NAWWWWWZZZZ!!!!! ...and theres this big spinning thing under my rear bumper... my mechanic told me not to worry about it... but it makes a sneezing sound....followed closly by what seems to be a turkey call..... but if my mechanic says its cool i am ok with it :asshole: OH i forgot to say.. my 6 banger is so OG ... it has cleveland on one side and windsor on the other :woowoo: .... i put to much time into my discription of ym car.... if i was smart i wouldve said jsut read my sig for details. (expressive use of smileys gets me + rep right? since the newbies hav more rep then me)
  19. jesus you talk alot of shit for not knowing much about the people on here. the people who arent talking shit could care less about your "drag" happy ass.. the only reason i started is because you talk... ALOT.....and it gets old. i am glad you sold two of your cars to get your over priced ugly ass pride and joy. heres a ...http://pixiestixkidspix.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/cookie-bite-web.jpg i fit 2 of your criteria...young and slow.. well slow by my standards...so what does that make me? because if you lived closer i would gladly prove one of those 2 merits wrong. (cbus vs c town 09???)
  20. lol dont ask for an awnser to a question then try and knock me for awnsering your ignorant ass.
  21. http://www.mjawards.com/shovel.jpg heres a shovel since u keep on diggin a deeper hole. let me break this down to you.. since u dont apparently get it.... ....This is a "racing" site.. most of the people here have been on it for a long time so its a pretty tight nit group.... your new.. your going to get shit.. and with an intro like yours deal with it. theres going to be people who give you shit no matter what. if that bothers you fucking leave.. no ones cares weather u stay or go. If i remember correctly Hal gave me shit since day one.... its just how it is dude.. deal.and as fas as i can tell.. we havent had a problem with attendance with anything yet.
  22. http://www.taylorjarman.com/cornbread.jpg i think u guys for got this part of your meal...... :bangbang:
  23. poor fucking excuse for a parent. i dont care whats the deal u dont race with a child in the.. hell i dont race with my 13 year old brother in the car.. i sure as shit aint racing with an infant. fucking inbred moron.
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