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Everything posted by Farley

  1. sell the stang...keep honda.... take stang money.... make honda uber fast... forget to tell people you owned a stang..... ....epic. welcome to the site dude.
  2. ive ridden one of those a few times... nice bikes.. just i dispise them on the freeway...fun bike to dick around on... ill still take my f3 600 or gixxer 750
  3. Farley


    once again i have scowered for at elast 2 hours to the 2nd attempt kid.. and still dont know how to neg rep people.. other wise.. it would be done.
  4. ill be down for coming down there for a few days to catch this ride... ill ahve to look at the route and see if ill need to switch some sprokets... i might even be able to bring a few more people.
  5. Farley

    2nd try?

    truth... although we did tear him pretty good on cleveland....
  6. Farley


    wooo.. the girls are getting rowdy on yo ass.. take the hint kid'
  7. Farley


    lol its coll ill be down for watever... never got to really beat on my 383.. and i am finally going to throw the spray at it.. and clutch and new rear end... should be a good time.
  8. Farley


    lol nice. give me some warning on the next time you guys come up... or ill hit u guys up when i come down... my car was down so i couldnt ahve any fun that night.
  9. Farley

    2nd try?

    i dont care what he drives.... i hate cavilers.. am i going to give him some shit for it? yep... probibly less shit then if mustang drove a mustang... its not about what you drive as much as how you come off... he proved he gets butt hurt and goes onto other forums and bitches about this forum and cleveland ... hes a bitch.. point made.
  10. fucking gay... and i jsut relized that cant be akron... not enough mustangs... and no AMC cars.. and def no gremlin.
  11. Farley


    quoted for truth.
  12. Farley


    "its stock..."....... :bs: funny cuz i remeber somone telling me they saw your car get a little squirlly at like 75 80 ish.... LOL
  13. Farley

    2nd try?

    how can anyone get into cavilers and not think of them as a joke? hell i think my formula firebird is a joke.
  14. Farley


    lol no i meant ditched as in you missed most of the guys from cleveland..because typically they ditch out.... mostly because of a certain loud mouthed cop car driving person.... but hes a good guy. just has rubbed alot of people the wrong way lol. and enxt time u guys come up in the spring we are going to ahve to do a good pull.. my 383 will be in with a litte shot.
  15. Farley


    cuz i bet thats stock... and nd2race werent you in the group that got ditched in cleveland a few month back when the srt4 blew his tranny ?
  16. Farley

    2nd try?

    if i knew how to give negative rep.... i would spam that bitch.. your failed on your first try.. and your second try was just as bad jsut a shade better because it doesnt ahve the epic fucking fail fo a shit box plastered in it. and now that you have shed some light in to that intelectual fail that we all know as yourself... how can u go from cougars malibus camaros and mustangs...to a cavy?
  17. youll see a couple cars here and there.. nothing that big.. and i really doubt those are all from kent... that was probibly an akron meet.. those cars are to nice to be from kent. and akron has some pretty mean cars...
  18. both...... most of the time you go to kent... people are to fucking hammered to do shit.. let alone all have the brain ability to meet up all at one time... i mean the only time you see that many cars in one places thats not at a party it taco bell or sonics at 1 or so in the morning.
  19. Farley


    have you seen some of the japanese trends? if you did you would see that some of the VIP car hav MAD tire expulsion..... and not to mention the old cars WITH HUGE ASS EXHAUST!!!! they make are fart cans look tame...comparied to there straight pipe hangers.. there stupid tall.
  20. Farley


    i cant get a triple.. kevin will come back and ruin it agian....
  21. Farley


    oh i am so not telling u what sites they are.. isnt it bad enough already? AND THEY MADE A POPULAR DD GAS CAR!!!! no where did gm get the idea any moron would make it fast.
  22. i call bullshit... i live 30 miins form kent and i am almost down there every weekend sinc ei was 17.....theres no fucking way that was going on and somone from cleveland didnt hear about it.. i call MAD bullshit.
  23. Farley


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