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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley


    butt hurt? http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s62/alexzeroo/De-motivational%20posters/motivator1693919.jpg
  2. Farley


    ooo another mustang driving bitch that crys and runs.. awww how cute... :gtfo: noob
  3. so who down for an all columbusracing beer pong tourney? i was supposed to eb down there this passed weekend but somone fialed to tell me where the drunken antics were at.
  4. Farley


    im still good... kthnxbye
  5. Farley


    LOL i know.. but its funny...
  6. Farley


    LOL or this.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCQSpzjHxpQ you the blood as syrup on my pancakes LOL
  7. Farley


    i see 4 moving targets for my glock 19
  8. Farley


    LOL i retract my previous.. id be doing the same thing.
  9. Farley


    ok ..... so the kid tried reintroing WAY to soon.... but at least hes being decent about it.. yes he may be a racist and a bigot .... yes he drives a cavy...... tyler is going way over kill on razzing him and posting worthless bullshit through out and not letting him hav half a chance... i am in now way trying to defend the kid.. i am jsut saying he fucked up and hes kinda tyring to make it right... give him half as chance.. even though he still seems like a fuck tard.
  10. Farley


    once again his intro fails
  11. Farley


    pfft .... 4x4 and mad snow tread FTW!!!! itll be a fun drive down.. it always is. i cannot see any wy i ahvent ran into you... at like sheets sonics or some frat party.. but i know i ahve never seen that car.
  12. Farley


    OOOOOO i kno where that is now hahaha.... ok . i was there last night... and i am current getting ready to go down there again tonight.. woo for a 40 min drive
  13. Farley


    where the hell is brimfield.. how far are u from campus?
  14. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z122/casademarco/tits-1.jpg
  15. Farley

    2 post intro

    id make it... how couldnt i? fbody gets the in everytime. minus grove-tucky and there mullets and there mustangs...
  16. id give you + rep.... but i am the only one allowed to ahve a 93 formula... so :gtfo: and welcome to the site.
  17. Farley


    so wtf are u like kent campus? i party there all the time... and i have NEVER seen your cavy...ever.
  18. Farley


    why the fuck does everyone have to use the name McGee ... it gets fucking annoying...... damn haters /rant.
  19. why not jsut buy the car you want and convert it yourself?
  20. Farley


    pfft where? i am going to kent friday i would be down for another hour drive saterday... ill jsut need to find a motel close or somone i know to crash t there place.
  21. http://www.starboyz.net/store/images/original%20cops%20lie.jpg
  22. .............. well since no one else is going to say it... i ahte to tell ya but every mustang owner in the world is a... http://www.davidcarrick.ca/media/1/douchebag.jpg
  23. my class told me that you hav the right to announce your intent.. you have a gun... and if there is no awnser u ahve the right to assume there intent... so my 45 would have an empty clip...
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