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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Saw this last night while watching the preliminary's before watching the boring PPV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9DIhKnFswk
  2. Joe Pa's statue just came down at PSU and supposedly the NCAA is set to hammer them tomorrow. Some say its not the death penalty but actually worse? They are talking 5+ year bowl ban, a ton of schollies lost each year and opening up the ability for current players to transfer out. Interested to see what actually goes down tomorrow at 9am.
  3. Yeah even stock studs, I put a stock stud in last year so I could go race as a lugnut was over torqued and broke one off a couple days before event. If Rocky can get them out without needing to press the hubs apart do it!!! The damn bearings are like $40 a piece
  4. You have to press the hub assembly apart on these things. There isn't enough room to get the old one out and new one in. I had to replace a broken stud last year on same Integra and luckily I was able to press it apart without destroying the bearing. However I have 200k miles on OEM bearings, might as well replace them now instead of chancing getting them out safely again. The Ek's could be different and have a spae where you can get the stud out without removing it, but usually if 1 Honda has to be done a certain way, they all do
  5. I will reserve full judgement until I actually watch it, however I have read all the spoilers including how it ends and its very lame sounding. Chris Nolan (the director) has such a fan boy following on comic book movie forums that I honestly think he could film nothing but people taking a shit and they'd demand it win an oscar.
  6. buy some wheel bearings. I am getting ready to put extended studs in my Integra and every shop I have went to asking a price has told me they will destroy the current bearings
  7. He'll be put in a nuthouse due to reason of insanity. Its a fucked up world and system we live in
  8. The more I think about it the more I think this isn't anyones fauilt but my own. I should've gotten a higher speed rated tire from the onset instead of being a cheap ass, lesson learned!
  9. I refuse to pay for "insider" information in the first place. I lurk the free boards and call it a day. I do agree that Urban may have made everyone just shut up about information. I mean if you think about it most of this class has been somewhat suprising Ezekiel Elliot- wasnt really reported as being that high on OSU then boom he's a Buckeye Taivon Jacobs- Never heard of him til yesterday Daron Lee- Had an amazing camp and a few days later is a Buckeye Johnny Townsen- A Punter? JT Barrett- QB from Texas who many feel was over looked because of Swoopes. Tracey Sprinkle- Again not many people were talkin about him Marcus Baugh- He's never even visited Columbus lol I could even add Michael Hill as many felt OSU's d-line haul was done and over with yet here he came out of South Carolina. The clas is at 15 right now, interested to see how many more there are in this class. Many feel 1-2 WR's and an O-Lineman maybe, but I have heard rumblings of some other elite talent in the secondary looking at OSU still. Speaking of recruiting, have you been paying attention to what USC is puttin together? Good god almighty! On paper that is a multiple NC winning team.
  10. Bought em at Jegs, gonna call them tomorrow to see what they will do for me. I also emailed Kumho providing them with pics.
  11. Yeah I always run he AST's as they are $50 a piece and I don't typically do 130mph on the streets. I use my slicks for when I wanna race, and even then I haven't hit 130mph at the track (close but no cigar). Just strange that that this happes on a controlled enviroment setting such as the dyno. Thankfully it wasn't on the highway. What tires are a better option to a baller on a budget lol. I run $50 tires because I am poor point blank. I now however feel that these aren't very safe and would rather skip out on going out to eat and put money towards better tires.
  12. I have ran Kumho's for the last 6-7 years with no problems up until today. I have ran BFG and Falken in that same time frame and came away less then impressed.
  13. Today I get a callfrom my buddy who's tuning my car. He says that they had to stop tuning due to something being wrong with the tires. He then explains to me that the rubber was seperating and that chunks of tire was going every where. This was on the dyno and on wastegate pressure (6psi). Tires are 195/50/15 Kumho AST's (yes I know they are cheap) http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/tire.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/tire2.jpg These tires have maybe 1000 miles of use on them and its most likely more realistically 700ish. They have never been launched on, no burnouts done on them ect...I use my slicks for that shit lol. Idk if I should try seeing if Jegs will warranty them out or if I should contact Kumho directly to see if anything can be done.
  14. He's fast for sure and his youtube film is a lot more impressive then the one posted on the recruiting sites. I read that he slipped through basically because no one covers the area of Maryland that he is in. Wonder how many more ATH/WR's OSU is goig to take, this makes 2 with Marshall and he. I love how all these recruits no one has been talking just come out of left field to commit, Baugh and this kid and also Mitchell should he decide to choose OSU.
  15. Parts are obo and generally priced high since I figure you're gonna low ball me anyways haha. GSR Oil Pan, untapped, no dents dings, mint!: $75 Now the ecus these have the covers for them but are missing the srews in which hold them on. Nothing appears to be messed with inside the ecu's and nothing smells burnt: P06-a01: $50 P06-a00: $50 Best way to get ahold of me is 740-814-3936 nothing after 11pm please!
  16. Hmm...I am a fan of the 1st film they made with Thomas Jane in it, the other one they made was terrible. This short film is meh for me, I wouldnt be opposed to a sequel with Jane in it though
  17. So everyones going to be charged the $194.83 this month then? Buddy of mine just hit me up on Facebook telling me that he just got his bill yesterday and it was $416!
  18. We just got ours and fuck AEP! $423 dollars, mind you this was without power for a fucking week. Our last 5 months of usage have looked like this: March 613 KW April 618 KW May 1315 KW June 712 KW July 3332 KW!!! (Again no power for 6 1/2 days!!) Nothing has changed, if anythig we have used less electric as we have been leaving our porch light and all lights inside the house off at night in order to try saving. I am about to call them and see how this is possible. $194.83 Generation Service this month $44.33 last month WTF is the generation service?
  19. No they didnt make us move back and yes you could feel the heat inside the booth. I actualy put a pop can up right next to the window just to see how much it would move around haha. That "face" is fucking creepy still lol
  20. If you watch it past that you can see its marks on the plexi glass, either way nice catch and definitley creepy.
  21. Umm something very creepy, I have no fucking clue haha. Looks like the clown from the Saw movies. Most likely just how the light hit the windows that are covered in shit
  22. My wife works for Time Warner and one of the perks from that is we get sponsor passes to all trails events. We went out last night to watch Night of Thunder from the press box, it was an awesome view (videos don't really do any justice). Also to anyone that was out there or may know, have you heard anythinga bout the guy that laid his bike down? We saw the medcal helicoptor come in and believe it landed behind us across the road on 40. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Night%20of%20Thunder%202012/20120714192556.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Night%20of%20Thunder%202012/20120714192323.jpg
  23. Gone sorry, forgot this was still on here
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