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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. In that order. Elliott is the best all around back and its not close. From running to catching and blocking he's ahead of the others. There's a reason he's a projected too 15 draft pick.
  2. Odd stat, a RB has won award every 10 years. Just saw that on sportscenter
  3. LOL you mean Trenton Richardson v2.0? Just shows what a joke this award is, should've been McCaffery or Watson over Henry. FWIW, Zeke finished 8th in heisman voting LOLOLOL
  4. LJ may be right about the 300 carries thing. Zeke only had 273 carries all of last year.
  5. Henry: 1986 yards, 339 carries, 5.8 Avg, 23 TD's McCaffery: 1847 yards, 319 carries, 5.7 avg 8td and nearly 3500 total yards of offense. For arguments sake, Zeke: 1672 yards, 262 carries, 6.1 avg, 18 Td's. That's 43 carries less than McCaffery and 77 less than Henry. If Zeke would've gotten 300 carries this year, he'd probably have 1900+ yards
  6. Only 3 Heisman finali this year. Henry (Bama), McCaffery (Stanford) and Watson (Clemson). If I had a vote it'd go to McCaffery, that kids a stud. Really surprised Zeke didn't at least get invited.
  7. Chris Ash to Rutgers as head coach according to bottom line on espn
  8. There's only 2 undefeated in the power 5 conferences. Iowa and Clemson. Oklahoma, Michigan State, Ohio State, N. Carolina and Houston all have 1 loss currently. I think playoff teams are: Clemson/UNC winner Michigan St/Iowa winner Bama Oklahoma Osu needs Florida to pull off a miracle and MSU to throttle Iowa.
  9. Sec lobbied for a playoff so they could possibly get 2 teams in every year. Same conference had 2 teams in one of the worst ncg's ever. Now sec fans are crying cause 2 big 10 tes may get in..irony
  10. Ah, it hadn't changed when I posted that. Michigan has only given up I believe 5 passing td's this year. They should've lost to Indiana and Minnesota, but found ways not to. As you said, its "the game" so I fully expect their best performance. I jut hope OSU gives theirs in return.
  11. OSU is a 3 point underdog to Michigan...
  12. Urban has final say on play calls I believe. Listen, I've said this before, the problem with this team has been "too many toy and WR issues. Cardale got shit on due to no deep threat and today we saw what a decent defense would do to the running game. Ohio State deserved to lose, the fact it was so close is a testament to the defense. Looking ahead to next year, its pretty bleak imo. The cupboard is about to be emptied and I begin to question Urban and how much longer he actually stays. There seems to be animosity from players towards him, I.E Zeke.
  13. Umm MSU would have to lose next week. OSU will be playing a bowl game on December 31st...
  14. LSU is a 1 trick pony, stop Fournette and you beat them. Alabama just had the defensive line that was able to do that. I'm hoping FSU beats Florida. Florida then beats Bama (assuming they win west). Sec is left out of playoffs or committee is shown to be a fraud for favoring a 2 loss sec champ (Florida).
  15. If OSU wins out no doubt they are in top 4. This week though I see them dropping to 4 or 5, Baylor did nothing but the committee is in this for drama I believe.
  16. This... Sucks Michigan St shit the bed last night. Would've looked great for OSU to finish with MSU and Iowa all ranked high. 1. Clemson 2. Alabama 3. Baylor 4. Notre Dame 5. Ohio State If i had to guess what polls will look like Tuesday. As for who cares, a lot of people on here in case you haven't noticed they are quite the conversation starter.
  17. Anyone wanna bet Bama jumps OSU this week in playoff polls? I fully expect OSU to be 4th
  18. I think Bama at 4 is for ratings honestly. #1 vs #4 in the game of the century haha
  19. In a surprise to no one, Kareem Walker is no longer part of the 2016 class http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football-recruiting/2015/10/61465/four-star-running-back-kareem-walker-decommits-from-ohio-state
  20. No surprise with osu's ranking honestly. I was prepared for 4th. My complaint with these first batch of rankings is Bama and ND being ahead of undefeated teams. Not that it matter this early outside of being debate material
  21. Currently patting myself on the back... My facebook is blowing up with non OSU fans bitching and crying about how he isn't being charged for the underage consumption. One person went as far as to say the NCAA and OSU is covering it up lol. Others are saying the punishment is too light. I just want to know if they all have a spare room in their castle of glass. The kid made a really dumb decision and is living with the outcome. Thankfully no one was hurt in all of this, so its a lesson learned without it being far worse.
  22. Because losing to a 9.6x car while spinning is something to be sad about...
  23. What cars worked him? Legit question. The car is always "for sale" but has yet to go anywhere haha
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