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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I've seen mock drafts that have as many as 6-8 OSU guys in the first round... Bosa, Jones, Decker, Elliott, Mike Thomas, Lee, Bell and Miller. I think 3-4 are safe bets though realistically, Bosa, Elliott, Jones and Decker
  2. That's a good deal really. I am trying to find a wagon for our daughter, but since I don't have a theme in mind, I want a unique style wagon. Really want an old Mercury or another Radio Rancher for her.
  3. Jive doesn't have to worry about OSU beating Bama, Ba is finishing no better than 3rd in the SEC this year!! Rumor is OSU wearing black uniform against Penn State is really gaining steam, well see it it happens or not. Watching Braxton at WR excites me, kids such an athlete I agree about the PSU game being huge last year and about Bosa. Sadly the Heisman is a QB award and will never go to another defensive player. Hell you're lucky if a running back wins it.
  4. Oregon/Bama both over rated in coaches poll. Oregon just lost their starting running back for the year as well
  5. Lets not forget Urban took a year off as well...
  6. Thank you sir!! As some of you may or may not know, my wife and I are expecting a set of twins in November. We are having a boy and a girl this time around. Both my wife and I are huge baseball fans, as is our 5 year old son, so hopefully the next son is as well because he is getting a baseball themed wagon haha. The coolest part about this build in my opinion is I am going to be using the ball bat I used as a kid on it. I am going to mill the sides of the bat down to fit in the stock radio flyer axle assembly and use it as the handle. I will strip and restain the bat, but leave all the knicks from hitting baseballs in it. By the time this wagon is done, it will scream baseball http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11796199_10153552348426907_4768446098014680932_n_zps1mr4xpak.jpg
  7. Isn't OSU #1 or #2 since 02 foremost drafted players from single school? My how Bama fans forget how shitty they once were
  8. Main writer for 11w posted this today in regards to Hall: "Since it's out there on another site right now – one that I know wouldn't have run it without consent from the coaching staff – here's a bit more info on what happened with Hall. First, he did not tell the OSU staff he was visiting Alabama the week prior to Friday Night Lights. Not only did he not tell them he was going, but when it was discovered he played it off like it was a short trip – it was a week long. Second, OSU had set up a tour/academics presentation for Terrell on Thursday before FNL: he did not show up. Third, when he finally arrived at OSU on Friday, just minutes before FNL began, he was aloof and distant from his (then) future teammates. Fourth, on Saturday morning following FNL Hall showed up at the WHAC wearing Bama gear. Yes, committed to OSU, where he was visiting, wearing Bama gear at the WHAC. Facts are: OSU would still take him if he wanted to come back, but they won't chase" See ya later!!
  9. 4* DE Terrell Hall decomits from OSU and will likely end up at Alabama...Next man up!
  10. He could be, I just think Braxton is too good of an athlete to not start.
  11. Zack pm'd when the braxton news broke and warned me this was coming. Looks like Braxton will be starting at H Back vs Va Tech
  12. The 2017 class which I have raved about, just got stronger. Isiah Pryor from Georgia, the #2 safety in the country and #38 overall player just committed. He also went on record saying he will not be taking any more visits and his recruitment is over with. Right now OSU has 3 DB's in the 2017 class, all 3 are in the top 10 of their position. Kid is 6'2 190 as a Jr in highschool, it will be interesting to see if he stays that size or if he grows bigger and ends up an outside linebacker ala Darron Lee type
  13. Not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening sadly. Joey was a top 5 pick in this years draft had he been eligible. He will be top 3 in the 2016 draft. OSU picked up their next kicker in the 2017 class over the weekend as well.
  14. Where the hell have you been hiding? I am hoping tickets for the game in Va Tech drop because I wouldn't mind going to that game. The 2017 class on paper is shaping up to epic proportions, I am talking the USC dream class levels. Next few days will be very exciting with FNL's taking place this weekend, I expect a lot of commitments to occur.
  15. Agreed, Urban wasn't lying when he said "The Future is bright for Ohio State"
  16. Spencer graduated. The talent on this OSU team is up there with the 05-06 teams!
  17. Barrett/Jones with Braxton and Zeke lined up in the backfield, Thomas/Marshall split out wide...have fun defensive coordinators
  18. I believe that was a year long bet, I am too lazy to go back through and search again though. 2 months from now puts us in October. I can see some late season trick plays being pulled out of the hat.
  19. So I called this a few years back LOL. I said he was an athlete playing QB!! I even said he was Hines Ward/Kordell Stewart pt.2 just far more athletic. Opens up a load of trick plays as well. Now I am on board with the JT Barrett being the starting QB, although that battle is going to be awesome between he and Jones. I believe both will get plenty of action this year as OSU puts 50 up on everyone they play and sits the starters by the 4th in 9-10 out of 12 games
  20. The fact that OSU plays 3 games in 12 days is insane...
  21. I am going to shock Zack and a few others on here and say Braxton will be the starting qb this year. Now will he finish the season there, that is the better question. I just have a gut feeling that his athletic ability gives him the edge over the other 2 guys who in my opinion are better QB's. Urban comes off as being obligated to giving Braxton back his job, at least to me from what I have read in recent interviews.
  22. 18 weeks into this! I love the fact that I am starting to see definition and abs http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11667352_10153491068306907_1691461290357263306_n_zps6irq5xpi.jpg
  23. Pretty good, had everything from a R32 GTR to a couple Lambos and a Ferrari at one point. I would guesstimate the turnout to be somewhere around 400 cars. The gokart track did 3x their normal saturday night business.
  24. My dad has been doing this for 30 years now, he may be interested. 740-616-1376 his name is Steve
  25. Haha, that's how I got fat to begin with. My wife was pregnant with our oldest son and I ate the shit out of Taco Bell with her. This pregnancy she is doing kickboxing twice a week and lifting arms/chest with me once a week. She is 21 weeks pregnant with twins and her BP is the best it's ever been. We had a checkup on Wednesday and the Dr was more than pleased with her health right now. She looks better pregnant with twins than she did a year ago. Luckily this time around, we are both eating healthy and if/when she decides to eat like shit I am too busy at the gym I recently opened with a couple friends of mine to succumb to it.
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