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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. When: Sunday November 8th, 10am-1pm Where: Target in Heath, 270 Airport PKWY Heath Ohio 43056 What: Toy drive/cruise We are back at it for the 5th year!! While this event started out with a bunch of car guys/girls meeting up and buying toys, it has turned into more than that. You do not have to be into cars, trucks, bikes to participate. Last years event was a great success, bringing in over 1,200 toys. We are hoping to eclipse that mark this year. All toys donated must be new/unopened and will be donated to a local foster home. You are not expected to join us in the cruise portion of the event, but are more than welcome to. We all caravan to the drop off location and deliver the toys in person, together. Please note that all toys must be new/unopened. While its not a requirement to purchase the toys the day of from Target, it is highly encouraged since they are gracious enough to allow us to hold the event at their store. The Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/722105131228149/
  2. 2750 with me in it last time I scaled it. 300-500 heavier than everyone else in my class.
  3. I had issues out of my car all damn day...best I got was 11.4@116 LOL. I think I am going to change chassis over winter, the weight of my car is killing me
  4. There's rumors floating around about him. I read today Uran sat him down and told him down and told him how its going to be. My guess is a freshman having a hard time adjusting to college life.
  5. And I get on eleven warriors to read this LOL http://www.elevenwarriors.com/skull-sessions/2015/10/61907/wednesday-skull-session
  6. I've been saying the lack of deep threat is killing this team. Thomas is an NFL WR, but he is not an explosive play maker in that aspect. Then you have 5-6 guys who all play the same role, trying to be WR's. I don't think it's going to hurt this team with Barrett at qb, but it obviously killed Cardale. I told a buddy ofine that Cardale simply doesn't look to be having fun anymore. That big ol' smile is non existent, his heads down a lot more coming off the field and it looks like he was trying way too hard.
  7. Still having issues with vehicle speed sensor. I have video of this pass, blows tires off hard in 1st and breaks up big time around 1000ft mark. I call this car my tempermental bitch for a reason haha
  8. Went to the track today, still not where it should be or where I want it to be, but I am hacking away at it http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/1080_zpsxvkh4n3r.jpg
  9. Haven't updated this in a minute. I weighed in this morning at 233, this morning. Instead of me posting a ton of pictures of myself, I figured I would share a couple of 2 guys I have been working out with. These dudes are inspirational to say the least, both are down over 100lbs now in under 125 days One of me from last year vs today http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/12140618_10153717354061907_7632838375605719893_n_zpsmvlcqpqf.jpg First up is my buddy Thomas, he started out weighing 430lbs and had never been in a gym before in his life. I have known him for a few years and am glad he's decided to do something with his weight. He now weighs below 330lbs http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11986957_10153205584644624_2687629338083394342_n_zpsb5wbzboi.jpg Dusty is one of my good buddies these days. I met him in our gym and from there we have become great friends. He has lost over 110lbs, from 430 to 320 yesterday. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/12106983_10153266975274624_7304506237307736291_n_zpsk65psfvn.jpg Some random pics of us all together and working out http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/12074870_10153581596241368_4559888798398499497_n_zpsphm99ehr.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/12063840_10153579610996368_7870261833608602994_n_zpsh9tw22tq.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/12072625_10153583643051368_5848706283703749433_n_zpshyesub4r.jpg
  10. This doesn't come as much of a surprise, but "FOUR-STAR ATHLETE GEORGE HILL DECOMMITS FROM OHIO STATE" There is rumors about Kareen Walkers status with Ohio State as well. What was once looking like an absolutely loaded running back haul is now kinda bleak.
  11. This doesn't come as much of a surprise, but "FOUR-STAR ATHLETE GEORGE HILL DECOMMITS FROM OHIO STATE" There is rumors about Kareen Walkers status with Ohio State as well. What was once looking like an absolutely loaded running back haul is now kinda bleak.
  12. Tilly might as well prepare now, alternate unis are here to stay http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2015/10/61373/gene-smith-ohio-state-will-pick-one-game-a-year-to-wear-alternate-uniforms
  13. I think OSU will be just fine also helmets areatte black going off of the design they released
  14. Florida's qb just got suspended for a year due to PED's per espn
  15. Osu will route Penn State in my opinion. I have a feeling this is the coming out party for everyone. Black uni, night time in the shoe, electric crowd, game on
  16. Pick time #18 UCLA vs #15 Stanford #17 Iowa vs #20 Northwestern #10 Alabama vs #9 TAMU #7 Michigan St vs #12 Michigan #8 Florida vs #6 LSU Stupid upset picks (one of them has to hit right?) USC over #14 Notre Dame Louisville over #11 FSU West Virginia over #2 Baylor
  17. Week 7 has a ton of great matchups on paper and could be a season defining week for many teams. I'll post predictions later from my comp and once rankings are updated
  18. The argument was hes a great buckeye because he's a team player. I countered with the fact he made a choice to better himself. I never down talked the dude for his decision. Jist stating his position move was not all for the team, it was for his career. Also, he went to Urban with the idea. Going solely off on field things, he's not top 5 for me all time at OSU. He's top 15 but not top 5, that's all. Hopefully tcu goes down and with they or Oklahoma beat Baylor, big12 left out again would be tits haha
  19. I don't dislike Urban, in fact I've calmed down on him. I still stand behind him missing out on top wr's, I'm not alone in that thinking. I can't argue with his results on the field, but I don't have to suck him off either. Much like when you feel the need to bitch about something, but overlook it later ha-ha. I recall you bitching about the team looking uninterested or the play calling sucking, but that's totally different because its you. You remind me of the spoiled kid who ifnits notnhis way, its no way. At the end of the day, I cheer for OSU win or lose, I just see things that are wrong and comment on them.
  20. One more, in terms of all time buckeye, Braxton isn't even iny top 5. He didn't make a change for the team, he changed to better his stock at the next level. He knew much like I've been saying, he's not a QB in the NFL. While he wasn't selfish in doing so, he shouldn't be looked upon as some great guy for doing it. He did what was best for him, it just happened to be what's best for the team as well.
  21. I have no reason to defend my fandom either, I have a cat named Braxton Miller for fucks sake
  22. I'm far from the wort type of fan, you are just delusional in thinking OSU is great right now.Hell, you've agreed with almost everything I've said this year until i disagreed about the secondary being phoenominal. Maryland is terrible, Hawaii is terrible, western Michigan is terrible, Indiana played a backup qb and va tech lost their starter the beginning of the 2nd half. Pretty easy to see why stats couldbhebskewed. Like I said, wait til they play a legit team before crowning them Kings.
  23. He should stop hitting the qb 2 seconds after the play is over with, maybe he can try something new this year like hitting the qb while he still has the ball.
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