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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Tried that this year with Curtis Terry and Austin Spitler and it failed. They have Jermil Martin from Glenville he's redshirting this year. He is the future FB for the Bucks.
  2. Best part is that its taking place in germany yet its all in english haha. I find it ironic that is all. I will prob go see this as well.
  3. They have him listed as the top FB for some reason but he's going to play running back. He's the number 27 running back in the nation, you dont put him at FB haha. But i've seen crazier things from Tressel like having Troy Smith return punts his freshman year
  4. Haha he's bulked up quite a bit since coming to OSU he's listed at 6'1 217lbs but from what i've seen this year if he's only 217lbs then someones scales are off. He's not as big as Beanie but he's big enough to play fullback
  5. I swear to god there is talk of it! They were talking about it this spring and it never happened but talk is stirring back up and its Tressel thats starting the conversations about it. They would call it the Pony formation where they'd have Pryor, Saine and another RB all in a row the D would not know who the hell to go after. Im starting to question Tressels coaching more and more each day. They have tried Saine as a returner and his numbers are lackluster I think something like 12 yards per return or some shit. How can a guy that runs 10.3 not beat everyone else in a foot race lol
  6. Hes afraid to get tackled how can you give him the ball when he's scared. There is talk of him going to FB as well lmfao that will not work at all. I think slot reciever would be a good thing for him as well, but not at OSU. They are loaded at WR in the next couple years with Washington, Posey, Thomas, Sanzenbacher, Stoneburner...then you got Carter, Fields and Jackson with a chance of Marlon Brown the #1 WR in the country just in this class alone. If you look at the running back situation you got Beanie(if he stays), Boom, Jamal Berry (#1 RB), Carlos Hyde (#27 RB) and Jordan Hall (Pryors h/s teamate) all coming in next year.
  7. Are you a short stocky build? Cause 500lbs at 181lbs is fucking insane Hal im not calling b/s but I was just looking at the Ohio records and the 181 class highschool group record is 352lbs http://www.nasa-ohio.com/bprecord.htm You got any links showing your records?
  8. yeah well he is the best punt returner the bucks have this year...plus they need all the help they can get. But oh well theres only 3 games left and it frees up some room for the younger WR's to play and another scholorship for next years class. Some sources are saying that Brandon Saine might be the next to transfer. For some reason OSU cannot use guys with speed. Saine ran a 10.3 100m dash that is rediculous and Small was a 4.3-4.4 guy in the 40yd dash
  9. Just out of curiousity you said you was the strongest 16-18 year old in the world for your class? How much was you throwing up? and what class?
  10. Watched Ball State tonight and I must say for a small school they are pretty good. I dont think they will compete in a BCS game if they make it to one but they are pretty decent none the less. Oh btw buckeye fans, they just suspended WR Ray Small. He's either going pro or transfering according to him and his dad. http://www.cleveland.com/osu/index.ssf/2008/11/osu_suspends_unhappy_wr_small.html
  11. and those are prob gonna be the same reasons you end up getting something rather then nothing out of this.
  12. ??????????????? Fail much? But this one gets returned to you, so you and your un-named bf can have something to remember each other by http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e63/cloudie1003/Icons%20and%20Banners/thAmbiguouslyGayDuo1.jpg
  13. He could've written down the color of the car wrong, that wont help you out. Your best best is to goto court for your initial hearing and plead not guilty. This will give you a continuance. Then get you a lawyer and they will work their magic to get the ticket dropped to a lesser charge. Your not going to get out of it completely cause the system still wants their money. You will just get a lesser charge. I got a speeding charge and the cop came to court and told the judge "I seen Mr. Moores silver honda coming up the on ramp" I raised my hand and politely explained to the judge that "there was no way he saw my silver car coming up the ramp because my car is black" the judge told me that was irrelevant. This happened when I was 17 btw.
  14. I always though Graffiti stlye of writing would look sick on the rib cage if you want ideas
  15. Not to be a dick, but I would never get a tattoo based off of what someone else likes. Remember this is your body and your stuck with it for life. Just make sure its something you will be able to live with when your wrinkly and saggy. Avoid fairys, flowers, hearts and the normal shit.
  16. What are the options? I just got my ribs tatted about a month ago and it really wasnt that bad at all paiin wise
  17. Haha ok what do you consider tall? Above 6" or above 6'3?
  18. Im 6'6 and have never had to worry about meeting a girl taller then me. Now back to dissing trowa...
  19. Well im sure those glasses stop pretty much any skin to skin contact from strange
  20. They even made a movie for guys like him http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee254/bryar222/Just_Friends.jpg BTW thanks for making my job easier by being the "nice guy". If it weren't for guys like you, then i'd actually have to give a shit what she feels
  21. Well if he's working out at night then the crashing effect wouldnt be that big of an issue. I've never used Lipo6 so i cant really say one way or the other with it. How much muscle mass are you trying to gain? If your wanting to see more then i'd say 20lbs then you better start juicing or prepare to lift for a couple years. If you look at most college football players they only put on about 20lbs on average from their freshman year to their senior year, and they are on a way better workout plan then any of us could recomend.
  22. I did this back when I was about 265lbs and not talking fat, but big. You add a little ice cream to that combo and its even easier to drink. Eat foods that are high in protein. Also the one thing that has been left out and i cant believe is Genetics...some people take a lot longer to start noticing gains then others, due to genetic composition. Also working out everyday on the same part of the body is not good, you gotta mix it up like has been stated above. Do arms/chest one day, then do legs, then arms/chest, then legs. Or your body will never recover, thus never gain mass or strength. If your wanting to get toned I would reccomend Hydroxy Cut Hardcore, that shit does wonders. I have a buddy the marines who uses it religiously and he is now built like a brick shithouse. I also have another friend who lost 60lbs using that and just working out alone. So it burns fat, but also tones. Add that with the Whey and your good to go. If your trying to get your bench press up start with shoulder exercises, without strong shoulders your bench press is not going to improve. Pushups are also a good workout that are often forgotten since they are "old school" If your worried about the off brand shit, dont be. Just look at the back of the labels of the Generic brand and the 60dollar tub and see how it compares. That will be your real answer.
  23. Well lock this up since McCain just threw in the towel lol
  24. Yes I have followed politics since I was a little kid. I just think its a little early to be declaring him victor. Remember 2000? Thats all i'm saying. Im pretty sure Obama has it all but won, but still just wondering. Sorry for thinking outside the box...i know its a crime these days to go against the grain of thought
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