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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Haha thank you Matt. What good is talent if your not using it
  2. New BCS out: 1 Alabama 9-0 1 2798 .9818 1 1498 .9823 .9600 2 .975 2 Texas Tech 9-0 3 2644 .9277 3 1409 .9239 .9600 7 .937 3 Penn State 9-0 2 2689 .9435 2 1437 .9423 .9000 3 .929 4 Texas 8-1 6 2322 .8147 7 1227 .8046 .9400 1 .853 5 Florida 7-1 4 2391 .8389 5 1268 .8315 .8100 8 .827 6 Oklahoma 8-1 5 2366 .8302 4 1290 .8459 .7900 4 .822 7 USC 7-1 7 2273 .7975 6 1232 .8079 .6600 5 .755 8 Utah 9-0 9 1864 .6540 9 1018 .6675 .7700 10 .697 9 Oklahoma State 8-1 8 2021 .7091 8 1066 .6990 .5900 9 .666 10 Boise State 8-0 10 1797 .6305 10 958 .6282 .7000 11 .653 11 Ohio State 7-2 11 1576 .5530 12 843 .5528 .5600 12 .555 12 TCU 9-1 12 1560 .5474 11 862 .5652 .5200 13 .544 13 Georgia 7-2 14 1380 .4842 14 693 .4544 .6700 6 .536 14 Missouri 7-2 13 1416 .4968 13 794 .5207 .4600 14 .492 15 Brigham Young 8-1 16 1179 .4137 16 591 .3875 .3200 20 .374 16 LSU 6-2 15 1241 .4354 15 683 .4479 .2300 19 .371 17 Ball State 8-0 17 1053 .3695 18 503 .3298 .3700 16 .356 18 Michigan State 8-2 18 857 .3007 17 516 .3384 .3700 21 .336 19 North Carolina 6-2 19 670 .2351 19 359 .2354 .3200 22 .263 20 Georgia Tech 7-2 20 561 .1968 20 289 .1895 .1800 0 .189 21 California 6-2 21 432 .1516 22 192 .1259 .0600 0 .112 22 Florida State 6-2 24 237 .0832 24 150 .0984 .0800 15 .087 23 Maryland 6-2 23 249 .0874 21 243 .1593 .0000 0 .082 24 Northwestern 7-2 26 212 .0744 25 120 .0787 .0900 0 .081 25 West Virginia 6-2 22 369 .1295 23 172 .1128 .0000 0 .081 Bucks could see the top 10 by end of the weekend with a win at Northwestern as 1 team for sure above OSU will lose and Utah could possibly lose to TCU
  3. Bwahaha a fair weather fan, get the fuck out of here seriously with that shit. I have a fucking OSu tattoo for gods sake but im a fair weather fan fuck off! I just know good football and OSu is not good football this year, next year maybe but not this year. The little 11 has maybe 2 teams that play good D OSU and Penn State other then that its lack of offense that makes the D's look good. Who gives a fuck about individual draft picks, just cause someone goes 1st round doesnt mean that his team was good as a whole. Freeman misses so many tackles and gets lost in coverage 90% of the time. If you knew anything about football which you obviously dont, then you would know that a linebacker has to be good in coverage and be able to make tackles. Watch that Penn State game again and let me know how many tackles Freeman misses. As for James, his issue is he cant shed blocks that well and the only reason he accumulates so many tackles is cause the D Line is just plain out shitty and he makes tackles 7-12 yards down the field. He'll still be a top 10 pick and Freeman will still be first round so none of it really matters. Hell Alex Boone who is fucking horrible will go late first round just because of size alone. Oh and as for Tebow destroying the big 12 without a running back, thats funny cause he destroyed the SEC without a legit running back last year and would do the same to any of the Big 10 schools this year. The kid just broke Florida's all time rushing TD record as a JR which was held by a guy named Emmit Smith. You dont win a Heisman by being a joke, so really what was your point with that comment? Haha fair weather fan still makes me laugh over here. Sorry that I find flaws in just about any team and i'm not biased enough to believe that the team I happen to love and root for are the best when they really arent. Hell we'll be lucky to beat Illinois if the team that played Penn State shows up. Oh wait no one wants to remember what happened last year right?
  4. Honestly at this point I see a Florida vs Penn State matchup. I dont think Texas Tech is going to run the table and I think Florida will beat Bama by 20. Oklahoma shouldnt go above Florida in my opinion. If anyone has the talent to beat SUC it would be Florida and I think SUC is the best team in the country
  5. The ap poll i posted was wrong...heres the correct ap and its bullshit. TT jumped Penn State, Texas only dropped 4 spots 1. Alabama (46) 9-0 1,600 2. Texas Tech (12) 9-0 1,528 3. Penn State (6) 9-0 1,525 4. Florida (1) 7-1 1,398 5. Texas 8-1 1,353 6. Oklahoma 8-1 1,324 7. USC 7-1 1,250 8. Oklahoma State 8-1 1,198 9. Boise State 8-0 1,030 10. Utah 9-0 1,028 11. TCU 9-1 958 12. Ohio State 7-2 898 13. Missouri 7-2 830 14. Georgia 7-2 808 15. LSU 6-2 746 16. Ball State 8-0 594 17. Brigham Young 8-1 536 18. Michigan State 8-2 456 19. North Carolina 6-2 418 20. West Virginia 6-2 303 21. California 6-2 288 22. Georgia Tech 7-2 286 23. Maryland 6-2 242 24. Florida State 6-2 128 25. Pittsburgh 6-2 96 As for me wanting OSU to not goto the Rose Bowl that is because we dont matchup against USC. I would much rather us lose in a close game to a team that we match up better against then us get blown out against a team that we dont match up well against. As for the Big 12 vs Penn St or OSU thing, I garuntee you that they would put up big numbers against either team. OSU has no D line and the linebackers are over rated as fuck...and im a Buckeye fan. Penn State's only challenge this year was OSU and honestly thats not a real acomplishment when the Bucks cant score to save their lives this year. OSU is 69th in the country in scoring at 24.6 points a game, no way does the D hold Texas, Oklahoma, Texas Tech or even Oklahoma St to under 25 points so folks. Yes they held Penn St to 13, but you have to remember that Penn St played their backup qb in the 2nd half of that game. They still averaged 9 yards per first down play. If you dont think Colt McCoy, Graham Harrell or Sam Bradford are better then any qb in the Big 10 then you know absolutely nothing. BTW arent most qb's products of the system? You compared Graham Harrell to Colt Brennen which is not even fair. Texas Tech actually runs the ball where Hawaii did not. Again i'm prob one of the biggest Buckeye fans out there, but I get annoyed by other fans who think that there is no good football outside of Columbus and fail to realize just how bad OSU is this year offensively.
  6. Oh and who needs D when your doing this Scoring Points Per Game Leaders: 2. Oklahoma 49.8 3. Texas Tech 47.0 4. Missouri 45.6 5. Oklahoma State 45.3 6. Texas 44.2 The Big 10 has 1 team in the top 50! And thats Penn State at #8 with 41.8 per game. I'll take a great offense over a great defense any day of the week. You cant win if you dont score!! Field goals wont get it done my friends
  7. New AP poll: 1. Alabama (40) 9-0 1,498 2. Penn State (14) 9-0 1,437 3. Texas Tech (6) 9-0 1,409 4. Oklahoma (1) 8-1 1,290 5. Florida 7-1 1,268 6. USC 7-1 1,232 7. Texas 8-1 1,227 8. Oklahoma State 8-1 1,066 9. Utah 9-0 1,018 10. Boise State 8-0 958 11. TCU 9-1 862 12. Ohio State 7-2 843 13. Missouri 7-2 794 14. Georgia 7-2 693 15. LSU 6-2 683 16. Brigham Young 8-1 591 17. Michigan State 8-2 516 18. Ball State 8-0 503 19. North Carolina 6-2 359 20. Georgia Tech 7-2 289 21. Maryland 6-2 243 22. California 6-2 192 23. West Virginia 6-2 172 24. Florida State 6-2 150 25. Northwestern 7-2 120 Games of importance this week: #12 OSU vs #25 Northwestern (OSU by 10) #13 TCU vs #10 Utahn (Thursday Night Game TCU wins lol) #1 Alabama vs #15 LSU (Bama by a ton) #3 Texas Tech vs #8 Oklahoma St (Oklahoma St by 3) Cal vs #5 USC (could be the upset special) 1 team for sure is going to lose in the top 10 and poissibly Utah which would put OSU back in the top 10
  8. BTW new top 25 is out and Texas only fell 6 spots: 1. Alabama (40) 9-0 1,498 2. Penn State (14) 9-0 1,437 3. Texas Tech (6) 9-0 1,409 4. Oklahoma (1) 8-1 1,290 5. Florida 7-1 1,268 6. USC 7-1 1,232 7. Texas 8-1 1,227 8. Oklahoma State 8-1 1,066 9. Utah 9-0 1,018 10. Boise State 8-0 958 11. TCU 9-1 862 12. Ohio State 7-2 843 13. Missouri 7-2 794 14. Georgia 7-2 693 15. LSU 6-2 683 16. Brigham Young 8-1 591 17. Michigan State 8-2 516 18. Ball State 8-0 503 19. North Carolina 6-2 359 20. Georgia Tech 7-2 289 21. Maryland 6-2 243 22. California 6-2 192 23. West Virginia 6-2 172 24. Florida State 6-2 150 25. Northwestern 7-2 120
  9. It does not matter how shitty your D is when you put up 50 points a game! If you dont think Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma or Oklahoma St would put up 40 against OSU or Penn State then you are truely clueless. The only teams that might be able to hang with the Big 12 schools are Florida and USC, even Alabama would get rolled. Hell I pick Alabama to lose by 20 to Florida in the SEC Title game. And OSU in the Rose Bowl is going to be horrible since they will play USC again and get fucking steam rolled yet again! You guys fail to realize that OSU has failed to score a TD in 3 games this year 1 being against USC. OSU will goto a BCS game if they win out and Penn State goes to the National Title game yes, but I would much rather see them play the ACC or Big East Champ atleast then we would have a chance of winning a bowl game. OSU has not gotten 32 points better to beat USC like it or not. A trip to Pasadena would just make OSU and Tress look even worse in the eyes of the media. Dont say "well we didnt have beanie and pryor wasnt the starter" cause that doesnt even matter. The outcome would've still been the same...OSU will lose to USC again if we face them.
  10. I have had the car for 3 years now which is a record for me haha. The car has driven me insane at times, but then again its been my favorite thing in the world on other occasions. I am getting ready to leave for the Navy hopefully within the next couple months and really just need a car with heat that will hold me over til then. I dont want to let this thing sit outside untouch and be beat on by the Ohio weather and rot away. I have over 7k in reciepts that will come with the car. As well as warranties on the Clutch, Axles, Ball Joint, and Battery. The car is tuned on 6lbs but spikes occasionally to 8. Clutch was slipping while on the dyno so the numbers are a little misleading, with a good clutch the car should make 240-250whp on 8-10lbs maybe more. 205,xxx on chassis 41K on motor (bought from tigerjapanese.com) 88k on transmission Less then 2k on axles (autozone w/lifetime warranty) 220whp/198ftlbs @6psi tuned at Round2Racing in Newark JDM B20B 8.8:1 c/r P8R head (RARE) w/33mm intake valves and 84mm combustion chamber (1% of all B20's came with this head) Edelbrock Victor X Intake Manifold Edelbrock 62mm Throttle Body T3/T4 .50ar (China Bay, no leaks, no issues...see's boost at 2k rpms) Revhard Log Manifold 3"Downpipe Greddy BOV Tial 38mm wastegate (knockoff) RC 550 Injectors Intercooler (Painted Black) Dumptube Walbro 255 lph fuel pump Boomslang OBD0-OBD1 Conversion Harness XTD Stage 4 6Puck (unsprung) w/warranty 1991 Integra LS (A1) Transmission (88k) B & M Fuel Pressure Regulator (Purple) Innovative Racing Radiator Bracket 88-91 CRX B Series Swap Throttle Cable KMS Map Sensor Block Off Plate MSD 3 Bar Map Sensor Hondata s300 NGK #7 Plugs New Cap/Rotor/Wires --------------------------------------------------------------- Suspension/Brakes/Wheels Full Race Cross Member and Traction Bars Ebay Knockoff Lowering Springs Skunk 2 Lower Control Arms (Gold) KYB AGX Struts OEM Big Brake Kit (91 Civic EX 10.4 Front Brakes) Acura Integra LS Mesh Wheels BFGoodridge Drag Radials (205/50/15) (less then 1000 miles of use on these) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Interior: Autometer Boost/Oil Pressure AEM Eugo Wideband Guage Tenzo R seats Battery Relocated To Rear Of Car (Jegs Kit) All sound deadning removed Gutted interior excluding door panles, seats and dash. --------------------------------------------------------------- Exterior: 6 Piece authentic Wings West Urenthane body kit Jegs Battery Kill Switch Clear Corner Lights Shaved Antenna Shaved Windshield Washer Squirters Shaved Rear Wiper No Front Wipers ( I dont drive this car in the rain) Removed wiper motor There are some issues with the car that I should get out of the way before posting this. The clutch is starting to slip at high RPM's in 3rd and 4th gear, just started doing it. The clutch does have a 1 year warranty which I could get after the car is gone and old clutch is pulled. The car is currently pink/primered. I can put car in primer if need be, 1/4 panels are starting to rot (typical honda). The sunroof motor has went out and the roof is stuck semi-open, however it does not leak. The passenger side window does not roll down (just needs put back on track). There is no heat in the car, due to heater controls being taken out. The car just started using coolant which leads me to believe there might be a headgasket issue, however theres no oil in coolant, doesnt smoke, runs strong still. Every hose has been replaced on car, radiator cap has been replaced so headgasket is my last option. I will throw in a set of Brand New Supertech .5mm oversized Valves and an extra LS head (needs valve guide) just to get rid of the stuff. Car runs extremely strong for what it is. I have vids and plenty of pics along with a build thread to show all the work/progress of the car. 3500 is the asking price, but reasonable offers will not be turned away. Anymore questions then just pm me. I will take trade plus cash on your end or straight trade if its worth it to me. I am getting ready to leave for millitary and really dont wanna let this sit around and goto waste. Would much rather see someone finish my project completely. Build Thread: http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=2226936 Videos: Again 3500!! Please dont thread jack with gay ass remarks or lowbal me. Im already losing my ass on this
  11. Game of the year hands down!! Crabtree is the best WR in the country and Harrell might be the best NFL qb when its all said and done. The Oklahoma vs Nebraska game was a joke, so was the Florida vs UGA. Texas Tech plays Oklahoma St next week which will be a match up of 2 more top 10 teams, then they play Oklahoma. The big 12 is the best conference in the country this year hands down. This was the best comment i've heard all year "Graham what were you thinking when you looked up at the clock and saw 1:29 left on the clock? "They gave us too much time"-Graham Harell
  12. Weight classes are theres for a reason, when they didnt have them it wasnt really MMA it was tuff man contest! Theres a difference...UFC needs to somehow steal Uriah Faber from WEC if they are going to sign any big name talent outside of Fedor! What makes UFC look like WWE is the ultimate fighter, its like real world mixed with fighting, it was cool at first but has just gotten old as it has gone on and on
  13. Stop throwing the ball so damn hard lol....or heres an idea, just remove wall completely and have even more space in home. It doesnt matter what you put up there its gonna take abuse from bouncing things off of it.
  14. He didnt impress you in college? You do realize that he played most of that year with 1 hand and was shooting with his Left hand when he's naturally right handed. If that doesnt impress you then nothing will. How about the monster game against Florida in a losing effort?
  15. They are still talking Lesnar up to be the next great thing in MMA, which he just might become with a win over Coture it would surely help. Heres the problem with UFC and its just like WWF. Before you had other brands competing, thus making the show more interesting. You take WCW out of the picture and WWf instantly starts sucking dick...you take away Pride and UFC starts going downhill, then elite xc comes along and trys competing only to fall. When there is no real compitition then theres really no need to up the anti. When your the only thing worth watching, then you pretty much can do what you want. UFC is a monopoly in the world of MMA. Name 1 other company that can compete with them...Affliction, Bodog?
  16. You think it will be an inside job Scotty? Honestly Obama comes off to me as fake as fuck! Alot of people like him for his "realness" but lets be honest, what about him makes you think he's real. The fact that he says all the right things and tells you what you want to hear in hopes of getting your money and support...doesnt a stripper do the same thing? I mean to me he is just another douche bag running for presidency that wont change a fucking thing wrong in this country. They are all in it for themselves like it or not. He talks about change...well change doesnt come from the President, change starts with the aveage person, or the corp that is shippping job over seas to save a buck in their own pocket. Change doesnt come from a man who has limited powers, its starts with others making changes
  17. Haha im just waiting on UFC to turn into WWF with storylines and shit. It's gonna suck when the day comes and we find out that the fights have been fixed or pre setup determining the outcomes. I hope that never happens though
  18. Great start in getting that ROTY that many think he's gonna get. I love Oden, but damn he looks old as fuck haha. BTW can this guy ever stay healthy?
  19. He is contiplating retirement. He only has I believe 4 fights or maybe 5 left on his current contract. There is no one in his weight class that will ever beat him. Yes he is that damn good. Chuck is going to fight Randy atleast 1 more time, that was part of the deal that Randy signed when he came back, he fights Lesnar, Chuck and I believe Nog. UFC to me is starting to turn into what music has become...watered down with just about everyone trying to do the same shit. The ultimate fighter show was cool the first couple of seasons, now to me its just gotten old. Its almost like a fad that is starting to fade out. Maybe i'm wrong (which I probablly am) but it just doesnt really do much for me anymore. I can watch 1 or 2 fights top during a PPV then i'm done anymore. Where I used to be a die hard fan and would waste 50bucks to watch every pay per view. Hopefully the Lesnar vs Coture fight is as good as i'm expecting it to be. I think what is really killing UFC in my eyes is the lack of KO's. All the fights are going to the ground where they just wrestle for a while, land a few blows then accept the decision instead of knocking peoples heads off.
  20. Have you turned on your local news? They are all talking about it. The guys were both young 20/18 and will now spend the rest of their life behind bars...
  21. Rising Tied in Newark on 21st street, they do good work and for something like that they will prob be the cheapest.
  22. For those that dont want to admit that racism still exist in this country and that Obama will be assassinated heres something from the news today: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20081027/UPDATES01/81027027
  23. The running backs are pretty comparable from both eras. Honestly I think the difference is the QB position. Bobby Hoying or Troy Smith is pretty much a no brainer. The tight ends during the cooper era were used a lot more as well with Ricky Dudley. Some other note worthy people from the cooper era Nai'l Diggs Ahmed Plummer David Boston (might have already been mentioned) If Cooper couldve beaten Michigan a couple more times and won a freaking bowl game he'd still be coach. Honestly the Michigan teams he went against were far superior then the Michigan teams Tress has went against. I loved Cooper I always said he could recruit his ass off, just couldnt coach the talent lol
  24. If I am a top recruit wanting to goto the NFL in a few years, OSU is not the school I am going to. Unless it has always been a life long dream to play there, but I would goto USC or one of the SEC schools. There you are almost garunteed to be in the national spotlight yearly and possibly win a NC game while throwing up ungodly numbers. Cooper had good recruits idk if they were better. I mean honestly if you look at some of the kids Tress has had at OSU I would say they are pretty even. You make an all time Cooper era team and i'll make an all time including backups where possible. Here is my Tress era team: Offense: QB: Troy Smith backup Craig Krenzle RB: Maurice Clarrett backup Beanie Wells WR: Ted Ginn Jr backup Santonio Holmes WR: Anthony Gonzalez backup Michael Jenkins TE: Ben Hartsock OT: Rob Sims backup Alex Boone OT: Kirk Barton G: Doug Datish G: Shane Olivia C: Nick Mangold backup Alex Stepanovich K: Mike Nugent backup Josh Houston P: AJ Trapasso backup Defense: DT: Tim Anderson DT: Quinn Pittcock DE: Will Smtih DE: Vernon Gholston LB: AJ Hawk, Bobby Carpenter, James Laurinitis CB: Malcolm Jenkins CB: Chris Gamble S: Mike Doss S: Donte Whitney Now list your all time Cooper era team, I know its gonna be loaded
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