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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Thanks, that doesn't show up for me in the main menu but i subscribed so I can find it
  2. Got my first 50cc quad runner for my 3rd east (Suzuki), I wish I still had that thing lol. My son has a power wheels and has driven it maybe 3 times, he would rather ride on his grandpas golf kart
  3. Umm, OSU is not going to Hawaii lol. This isn't a home & home series, it's a "hey, come to Columbus so we can thrash you for 900k" type deal. BTW can someone link me to new thread I don't see it?
  4. Ok, enough of this discount double post shit. Who's starting a new thread?
  5. So I thought OSU was wanting to schedule harder opponents? They must feel Hawaii is real close to turning the corner cause they were just scheduled for 2015 http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/227128881.html?id=227128881&src=em This also makes the chances of the Northern Illinois game being canceled that much greater. OSU's schedule looks soft again outside of Va Tech who will prob be terrible by time that game comes around. This puts OSU at 10 games in 2015, interested in seeing who the other 2 teams will be Hawaii @Va Tech @Indiana Maryland Penn State @Rutgers Minnesota @Illinois Michigan St @Michigan
  6. It's the first thing I said when this video started popping up online, amazing how generations believe they are reinventing the wheel haha
  7. Why is this being treated like its something new? I had hotwheels in the late 80s that did this. You put em under hot water they turned red, you put em under cool water and they went purple/blue lol.
  8. Umm prob cause they lit up OSU's secondary which I feel is better than Wisconsins, 500 was a random number I threw out there. I do see them lighting up Wisky's pass defense though.
  9. oh yeah, OSU is the only bowl eligible team at the moment lol.
  10. NW is going to throw for 500 yards against them...44-38 type game wouldn't surprise me
  11. Rutgers is pretty decent lol. Their 1 loss was by a point in OT and they beat a mighty SEC team (Arkansas), which is more impressive than any win Louisville has at this point. It's on Thursday night which has proven over the years to be upset night, I like their chances.
  12. What about em? I'll take NW and Michigan in those matchups
  13. Games of the week: #16 Washington vs #2 Oregon (Cmon Washington!) #12 Oklahoma vs Texas (I'll take Texas in the upset) #25 Missouri vs #6 Georgia (Cmon Mizzou) #17 Florida vs #10 LSU (Pulling for the gators here) My upset picks: Pitt over #24 Va Tech Rutgers over #7 Louisville
  14. Games of the week: #16 Washington vs #2 Oregon (Cmon Washington!) #12 Oklahoma vs Texas (I'll take Texas in the upset) #25 Missouri vs #6 Georgia (Cmon Mizzou) #17 Florida vs #10 LSU (Pulling for the gators here) My upset picks: Pitt over #24 Va Tech Rutgers over #7 Louisville
  15. Found this on scout and thought it was pretty cool. It's in regards to Cameron Johnston the OSU punter. TOT YDS AVG TB -20 LG vs. Buffalo 3 124 41.3 0 1 42 vs. SD State 4 169 42.3 0 1 47 vs. Cal 4 165 41.3 0 2 61 vs. FAMU 1 32 32.0 0 1 32 vs. Wisconsin 6 239 39.8 0 6 55 vs. Northwestern 3 114 38.0 0 3 39 -------------------------------------------------- ---- 21 40.1 0 14 61 Opponent Punt Returns NO YDS AVG LG Buffalo 0 0 0.0 0 SD State 0 0 0.0 0 Cal 0 0 0.0 0 FAMU 0 0 0.0 0 Wisconsin 1 3 3.0 3 Northwestern 0 0 0.0 0 ---------------------------------- 1 3 OSU has given up 3 punt return yards this entire year lol Also CBS simulated the BSC polls and OSU is sitting 5th, the surprises to me is Clemson at 2 and Stanford above Oregon http://www.elevenwarriors.com/2013/10/26951/cbs-simulated-bcs-rankings
  16. Me and my buddies who I race with are wanting to buy a short bus. We are going to rip out most of the seats and build a mobile garage, so we no longer have to haul our tools/wheels in the back seat of our cars. I have been looking on craigslist but not really having any luck finding anything. Does anyone know a place locally or online that sells them for a decent price. I would like to spend under $1500 on one if possible.
  17. There was so many holds by NW last night that it was dumb.
  18. There was so many holds by NW last night that it was dumb.
  19. They made the playoffs (2nd round) after Jordans first retirement. I wouldn't say they didn't do anything after Jordan left.
  20. So you're saying Jordan made Dennis Rodman one of the best rebounders in the history of the game? He made Scottie Pippen one of the greatest defenders ever in the history of the game? Interesting take there....BTW didn't Lebron lead the Cavs to the finals with no where close to the talent the Bulls had during their 2 runs? Jordan retired and the Bulls still went to the 2nd round of the playoffs, Lebron leaves Cleveland and they are getting lottery picks each year since. Oh yeah before you think I am a MJ hater, think again. I just like seeing others opinions on the questions asked. I think the term "greatest of all time" isn't a good term to be used. I feel it should be "greatest of their generation", outside of that it's just a lot of speculation, arguments and stat throwing. I mean hell, who is the greatest NFL QB ever? I'll be over here waiting on that answer haha
  21. Got one of my 2 upset picks right. Baylor absolutely destroyed WVU in my other one.
  22. I don't "hate" him, I am just highly dissapointed with how he has played this year. He is not tackling very well at all and has gotten burnt several times in man coverage. If it makes you feel better, the entire secondary sucks right now. Here's some stats for ya that I just found on scout which surprised me Iemian: 13/18, 245, 2 TD, 1 INT Colter: 12/12, 98, 0 TD, 0 INT Combined: 25/30, 343, 2 TD, 1 INT ^^That tells me the back 7 on defense are bad!!! The D Line is the one bright spot on defense this year. Bennett and Bosa are disruptive as all get out, it seemed almost every play Bennett in the backfield raising hell and Bosa just seems to find himself around the ball.
  23. The dude was suspended 3 games for something he shouldn't have been and basically carried the team to victory (no pun), emotions do funny things to people sometimes. IF anyone should be crying, it should be Roby for getting his ass burnt once again all night. Lets hear the excuses as to why he was missing tackles and having WR's put up career numbers for a 2nd week in a row. It's a good thing OSU was playing Northwestern, a team they can beat just cause they have more talent. If this was any other top 10 team, OSU would've gotten rolled. I wouldn't be shocked to see OSU drop in the polls tomorrow, I think they and Georgia both should and Florida State should move up. Oh well, 6-0...on to the next one
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