I'm surprised F1techincal.net doesn't have anything about that.
It seems it's not just Bernie, but Vettel also who says it's not ready. The road surface is too rough and has way too much crown.
Now, I had a large dose of skepticism when I heard about a F1 track in New Jersey. But I had hopes when everyone was so confident. Now I wonder again. I mean, it's pretty easy to just look at a road and see it has a lot of crown. And even in a regular car you can get a good feel for how rough a road is. Didn't they have an idea of what they would need to do?
Or is this the pipe dream of a bunch of business men who have no idea about racing and think their big luxury SUVs are a good analog to a F1 racer? Did they look at Austin TX and say "Hey! They're doing that and getting press, we should too!"?:dumb:
Guess we'll see in 2014.