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Posts posted by paktinat

  1. Where do you guys get your beans from?


    I found a place down the road from me, One Line Coffee and I plan on going there to purchase some bean from them.


    One line is great, they have the background info of the bean sources on the bags and they actually build relationships with the farmers in the areas they source from. I usually go to imperio which is a little bit north on high because they usually have beans that have been roasted more recently. I usually buy 1/2 Lbs at a time and it is usually roasted less than a week before I use them.


    in columbus greater the local roasters that I know of are:

    Stauffs and Lucky brothers in GV.

    Impero and One line coffee in the SN.

    Mission Coffee company in SN has a roaster they work with based out of Cinci.

    Cafe Brioso Downtown

    Backroom coffee roasters in UA.

    Upper Cup in OTE


    Also I have this thermometer for seeing what temp my water is. I typically bring to a boil and let it fall to around 180-190F http://amzn.to/VksWOT

  2. Confirmed fake:

    The “Golden Eagle Snatches Kid” video, uploaded to YouTube on the evening of December 18, was made by Normand Archambault, Loïc Mireault and Félix Marquis-Poulin, students at Centre NAD, in the production simulation workshop class of the Bachelors degree in 3D Animation and Digital Design.


  3. Budweiser beers, made in the USA, actually in almost every cities in the USA, but the parent company is not American.


    Why not buy a locally brewed beer? Not only is it American, your dollars stay in your community.

    Four strings (Grandview)

    Zauber ( Grandview)

    Barley’s (Short north)

    Columbus brewing company (downtown)

    Elevator (downtown)



    For me Local is always going to be a better option than just 'made/assembled in America'

  4. A 3,000 mile commercial flight costs roughly 30k to the airline. That's crew, fuel, maintenance, and all. So 10,000 miles should be under 100k



    a VC-25 costs $179,750 per flight hour alone in fiscal year 2012, Maj. Michelle Lai of the 89th Airlift Wing told ABC News.

    That figure includes fuel, flight consumables, depot level repairs, aircraft overhaul and engine overhaul. Pilot and airmen salaries are not included because they are paid regardless of the plane's use, Lai said.

    - source


    DC -> Hawaii is 9 hours.

    18 * $179,750 = $3,235,500



    Then you are a fucking idiot.

    Some fucking idiot I am indeed.

  5. Where are you confused? Is it with how Obama's own record reflects careless illogical business sense or is it with the role of a leader and what they are actually supposed to do and how Obama does nothing in line with leadership?


    no. you. I didn't say I was confused about anything with our president.

    You make no fucking sense.



    read this sentence:

    yep...that's about how Obama has justified all his spending thus far and it looks that as predicted, he won't be changing his ways anytime soon.

    Which you posted in reply to some figures I posted that had nothing to do with Obama. I was just making a point that 4M is NOTHING at all given the situation.

    If you want to get your panties in a bunch do it over something that fucking matters.



    I don't remember him ever making light of any amount of spending. Do you have a source? When did he compare an amount of spending to some other expenditure to show that the original amount was insignificant? This was the point I was attempting to make.


    Who predicted? you/someone else/Fox News ? Use your words to convey meanings.



    :lol: at this thread. You know Air Force one takes him everywhere that's just part of the gig so for that amount to be thrown in is just a way to piss people off. I don't have a problem with the man taking a vacation. If he wants to go on vacation then he's going to go on a vacation. He just spent the last 8minths to a yr getting bashed, and having to please everyone, and anything else. Let him live for a lil. You guys need to find a better topic at this point.

    Yea. I think that 3.2M is reasonable amount to fly a fortress capable of commanding the country 10,000 miles round trip.

    I'm not being sarcastic here. It sounds reasonable. I bet his limo gets shit gas mileage too. If someone tallied how much it costs for that thing to run I probably would not be surprised if it was expensive to run.


    things cost money.

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