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Posts posted by paktinat

  1. yep...that's about how Obama has justified all his spending thus far and it looks that as predicted, he won't be changing his ways anytime soon.


    instead of leading talks between parties in congress or facilitating any type of collaborative effort to solve the fiscal cliff issues, he's simply passing the buck for them to figure it out while he goes on vacation. Not surprised.


    You make no fucking sense 90% of the time but you sure do take nice pictures.



    Is there a link to back this info up, I'm just curious how he could spend 4M on vacation (not that I'm saying it can't be done).


    The biggest expense is Mr. Obama's roundtrip flight to Hawaii on Air Force One, which costs $3,271,622. source

  2. Everything is as you perceive







    I've always wondered (in my completely non-scientific mind) why instead of a warp drive some sort of Higgs drive could not be used. If the Higgs Bozon was discovered and we could know how the Higgs field affects mass why couldn't we manipulate it to decrease the mass of an object as it accelerates, therefore, eliminate the need for infinite energy to go the speed of light?


    I am no scientist but from my understanding if we were even able to distort or affect the field in a way that would decrease matter's mass the matter would not survive the process. My only understanding of this is from reading a single book however (The Fabric of the Cosmos)

  3. Can you name some ways this country is better than the day he was sworn in?


    Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act

    The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act

    Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

    James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

    cripling economic sanctions with Iran

    SCHIP reauthorization

    Federal Direct Student Loan Program


    Russian START Treaty

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act

    ended legal defense of DOMA

    ended iraq

    ending afganistan

    OBL dead

  4. “There’s no question I support Second Amendment rights, but I also support an assault weapon ban” Romney said, referring to his signing of a Massachusetts assault-weapons ban in 2004.
  5. Obama's last four years of pain are just his way of instituting greater gun control. He's accomplishing this by keeping people out of work, taxing them to death, letting them spend more on the basics in life and insuring all this will continue by racking up debt so that even our kids won't be able to afford guns.


  6. I'd rather have tax money spent on providing something the constitution states the government should do (protection) than a television show...even if it equates to 6 hours of protection.


    When asked how to reduce the deficit Gov. Romney says that he can make it up in spending cuts. Fine. He is entitled to that opinion.


    I think the kerfuffle about all this is when asked for specific things he would cut his first line item after the PPACA (whose repeal would increase the deficit by $109B) is to say he would cut a PBS subsidy worth $450M.

    It's like asking a fat person how they are going to get in shape and they first they say is "I'm going to switch to diet soda." Sure that might help your caloric intake but that alone won't make you fit so why mention it. You don't become fit by switching to low kcal drinks and you dont fix a deficit by eliminating a single $450M expenditure.


    It's $445 million dollars. That's far from chump change considering there are thousands of instances of wasteful spending like this.


    YES! now all we need to find is 36,000 more $450M programs to cut and we will be debt free

  7. Depends if you think you will ever get an espresso machine down the line or not because you can avoid having to buy another grinder for that.


    I have a Gaggia MDF at home and I hate the doser. I have been looking at replacing it with the Baratza Virtuoso, Mazzer Mini, or Rancilio Rocky.


    If you don't think you'll ever get into espresso territory I think the Baratza Encore is a very good value. I have a Cuisinart Supreme and it makes a goddamn mess but it's not bad for keeping at work and I use it to make press pot and pour over.


    If you want to geek out you can read some of the different methods of using the press pot and aeropress here: http://brewmethods.com/


    Also, buy a thermometer. Controlling the water temp is key for making a good aeropress cup.

  8. When I drink then, it all tastes the same.


    Fair enough. Plenty of people are like that about wine but I don't think you'd tell someone who appreciates wine that they are either lying or should be a professional taste tester when they know the difference between 2 different ones.

  9. If you think you can tell me in a blind test which is a french press vs basic coffee maker vs store-made, you're either lying or ought to be a professional taste tester.


    Given the same high quality beans I am confident that I could. I think it is fairly easy to tell coffee that has gone through a paper filter versus one that hasn't . I can taste the difference in areo-press and pour over given the same beans but I also use different grind settings and water temperatures for the brewing device I am using.

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