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Everything posted by clk1

  1. where in hilliard was that car found at?
  2. they should send that into pimp my ride.......................lol
  3. congrats man, i know how it feels i have 2 kids of my own. Happy Fathers day!
  4. i think white would be fine and i also like that last design too
  5. i was thinking the same thing when i saw it.
  6. happy fathers day to all the dads, coming from a dad myself. have fun and relax today.
  7. clk1

    Your Hornyscope...

    i am a cancer, and it was pretty dead on. it was pretty cool to read that.
  8. that bmw is bad ass!
  9. clk1

    trails wednesday

    its like 10 or 12 dollars you get about 3 qualifying then eliminations start'
  10. clk1

    trails wednesday

    hey is anyone plan on heading out, i think i might go out after i get off of work just to see what times my slow car can put down
  11. clk1


    yeah im lost too...........
  12. clk1

    Tonight 6/2

    that is funny shit...........
  13. clk1

    Tonight 6/2

    hey brian what about me are you going to let me know where you guys will be.
  14. clk1

    tonight 6/1/07

    yes you had a real bed experience with one............lol, you sure you dont want to try again?
  15. you know what that is, you have seen them in person when you went last year.
  16. clk1

    NMCA This weekend!

    i will be going sunday.
  17. clk1

    tonight 6/1/07

    what are everyones plans for tonight? where is everyone meeting at?
  18. clk1

    Gameworks 5/31

    what time you heading up there brian?
  19. clk1

    Gameworks 5/31

    ok that makes me feel better.....
  20. clk1

    Gameworks 5/31

    awwww you dont care that i am going............lol
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