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Everything posted by clk1

  1. clk1


    oh hell no it seems like no one is missing me......................lol
  2. clk1


    yeah casey, she always gives fake numbers out, or maybe she just changes it every week...................lol
  3. clk1


    welcome. another good car to the board.
  4. finally shimming it......good!
  5. they are there, you should stop by and say hi to them.............
  6. damn i wish i was back in columbus, this will be the first year that i will miss the show since it started.
  7. I will admit his car does look bad ass
  8. But I heard he got walked by z06 how much power did it put down?
  9. I will come only if you fly me up there from Florida
  10. Yeah Greg and mike Conley in the top 5 that just goes to show what could of been for the buckeyes
  11. what part of fla will you be in.
  12. If i decide to sell it, cause i am still thinking about it, it would be $1200, but like i said i dont know yet
  13. hell yeah anyone can come visit.......
  14. i have a T-mobile blackberry phone for sale i will take $225 for that, i dont know the exact model of it but it is not the big blackberry it is the smaller version. also a queen size bed frame just the metal rails....$25 and i have not decided yet but maybe thinking of selling my LCD 42 inch t.v., it is a Phillips, 1080i, built in speakers, black.
  15. i remember you now christian, brian you can come down and visit any time you want, then we will go hit the beach up. i am moving to Palm Coast which is 15 mons north of Daytona Beach. Josh good luck with the car i hope you get all the bugs worked out, and just try to keep Amys car running in one piece.............lol
  16. Oh so your race car can't go on the street lol
  17. yeah not sure if i met you, but thanks!
  18. i just want to say that it has been a real pleasure the few people i have met on here. i will be moving to Florida this weekened, and i just wanted to take some time and say good luck to everyone on here with their cars and their lives. this board has been really interetsting, and i know i will stay in touch thru here i just wont be able to come hang out on friday nights and get kicked out of Qs&L anymore.........lol. Brian just keep trying to organize friday night meets eventually you will find a place where all the fast cars can hang out without getting chased out. and to all the WOMEN on here, dont worry what everyone on here says, most of the people saying that shit about you guys, either dont have lives or dont have girlfriends. and they never will as long as they treat women the way they do. So like 2pac once said "got to keep you head up" And all men with cars are not assholes, like me and i know other men would agree, i would love to have a woman who is into cars as much as i am, and if they say they dont then they are lying. One day i will find my car woman, now i will probably find her on the beach but oh well........... again good luck to everyone.
  19. do you have silver since my car is silver but if not i will take a white then, i will see you out at qs&l on friday brian.
  20. i will take 2 white ones
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