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Everything posted by Tindall2006

  1. You can only buy YOUR lift ticket with your military ID... and most of the office girls are pretty strickt. I will be going tommorow night, I'll PM ya'll my number and just send me a text and give me a call. I belive i am working in the cafe during the day, so look for a tall dude (about 6 foot) with brown hair, say ur from CR and I can probably hook you up.
  2. Anyone ski or snowboard? I am out there all the time. Maybe we can meet up sometime.
  3. DSM... i feel your pain, looking for a new head now as it also took out the valve guides...
  4. Sounds like a problem my dad had, turned out to be the conector under the seat going to the fuel pump was loose... I also kind of had that problem, it was my ECU going bad.
  5. Anyone know a good shop around here that can replace a valve guide and grind or replace a valve seat? any idea on what it would cost? it is a 91 eagle talon AWD 4g63 5 speed
  6. Repelling is awsome, I have some gear. Last time i went was when I got my hi angle rescue certification.
  7. I remember days of marching 15+ miles to find a spot to dig a foxhole lol, wouldn't mind doing some hiking camping though.
  8. Where do u snowboard at? Do you go there often?
  9. 62 on 33 from wapak to indian lake is 1/2 hour drive... indian lake to columbus doing 75 is an hour drive... ur math dosen't add up...
  10. sonic was always a great hangout in texas, and they never really cared,
  11. Where you getting on 33 at? Wapak?
  12. I would love on of those freeze your ass off apartment garage right now... this is my garage... been working out there all day!!! and we have a little shed but you can't do much more then store stuff in there. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f374/tindall2006/100_2909.jpg
  13. isn't van wert north of lima? you must be hauling some ass becuase it takes me an hour to get there
  14. No, we are about 30 min south of lima, hour north of columbus.
  15. How much is a dyno run? Can you do AWD?
  16. I have wiplash from last night, that thing is mean
  17. Welcome, I live at indian lake, so I an not that far away from you.
  18. So, what is the story of the flipped civic and the bike wreak?
  19. Here you go... Also, why do u say it is rich? Plugs fouling? Getting a puff of black smoke when u nail the gas? Is it bogging or anything. Maybe try a slightly hotter plug.
  20. Tindall2006


    +1 Phill is cool
  21. If i saw it coming. I am always wearing boots so I would try to kick the shit out of it.
  22. Tindall2006


    I like getting them in MRE's when i am doing stuff with the army. That is jalapono cheese spread and wheat bread
  23. very true man... when i bought my car it had coolent running down the block and 90 psi number 3 cylinder... you could never tell by exhaust, power or anything... i know my head gasket is bad... only really way to know if ur gasket is bad is to tear down your engine... i know it sucks, but i am betting you have a blockage somewhere or not getting coolent flow... also for cammaro aj... he said he juust replaced his water pump... i doubt it is fucked up.... but is a good guess also a bloockage to the heater core shouldn't affect the fact he is overheating. most heater cores are run in a parallel configuation, meaning the engine is still getting the coolent needed even if the heater core is getting none\ i know my spelling and shit is fucked up but i know i am pretty dead on... da,m beer
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