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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Benner


    What about it makes it not legal
  2. Kroger Pharmacy here in Delaware by walmart
  3. Lol oh shit nice catch. I'll fix it now.
  4. At 214lbs as of this morning. I'm really struggling figuring out what I want to do. Do I continue down to 200lbs and bulk back up to my current weight or do I start a bulk right now? I honestly think I look a little to thin when looking at the current pic What type of BF% would you guys guess I'm at now? Was shooting for low teens possibly 10% but I don't know if that's such a good thing http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/9months-2-1.jpg
  5. No it's a gloss just not cleared. Not sure if I want to clear it or not cause more imperfections will show. Got tired of all the scratches and dents. Need to finish up the trim work still and find some decent 15's or 16's. Here's the rear. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/95%20Civic/1IMG_0206.jpg
  6. Because........RACECAR http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/95%20Civic/1IMG_0214.jpg
  7. Benner

    Steak & BJ Day

    Got the steak part. Venison even.
  8. Benner

    awe yeah

    All depends on what the surgery is and Doctor. Morphine didn't even take the edge off the pain when I had my 2nd surgery on my ankle. Dilaudid took care of it nicely but it wore off crazy quick. Unfortunately for me I was released by that time and no longer the hospitals problem. Spent a few days crying in pain till it finally heeled enough that percocet would take the edge off.
  9. I'll take the plastic car ramps.
  10. Benner

    awe yeah

    I know this. Was stating that Percocet will do much more than Lortab. Work in a pharmacy. Deal with this shit all day. Besides. Fentanyl owns all!!!!! at least whats available in a commercial Pharmacy. Sufentanil is about 10x stronger even.
  11. Benner

    awe yeah

    Too bad lortab won't calm anybody down anymore than percocets. It's the exact same drug combo as Vicodin. Got a few friends that have that song as a ringtone for me
  12. Benner

    TONIGHT 3/9/2012

    Kelly and I will be out.
  13. From the Zoo yesterday. Weather was perfect and didn't have to wait for anything. Saw everything in less than 3 hours http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/BaldEagle.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Bobcatfront.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/BobcatStare.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Bobcatside.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Flamingo.jpg
  14. Got some awesome photos from the zoo today. I'll post up tomorrow mornig
  15. Pretty crazy today but not too bad. Only two pics worth showing. The Ferrigno Still Ripped and giving me the death stare http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/photo.jpg And Oh so sexy Carmen Elektra giving a sexy little pose. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Elektra.jpg
  16. What an Asshole. LMAO I watched it like 10 times.
  17. Last year I snagged 2 boxes of protein bars, 2 boxes of Protein powder, and 2 boxes of their pre-workout
  18. Planning on going tomorrow.
  19. DAMNIT!!!! I just blew $150 to. I'll see if I can come up with the money soon
  20. I'll be shooting for low numbers of the day
  21. I'll be shooting for low numbers of the day
  22. By far the scariest,easiest,well rounded car I've driven. It's such a pleasure to drive. Honestly felt like I was driving a mid 90's no assists driver's car but with modern features and comfort (best way I can describe it). The car felt Like it was willing to do everything you could ask of it without being held in check by hundreds of different sensors and computers. Thanks for the opportunity to drive it
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