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Everything posted by Benner

  1. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/2012-Kia-Optima-Rear-Left-Side-View-4-640x409.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/2012-Hyundai-Azera-rear-shot.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/2010-Hyundai-Sonata-Rear-Side-Picture.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/2010-Hyundai-Sonata-Rear-Angle-View-800x533.jpg
  2. She's a badass. http://gma.yahoo.com/video/news-26797925/oklahoma-mother-18-kills-intruder-breaking-into-her-home-while-on-phone-with-911-27777235.html
  3. Lol Im a fuckin idiot. Didnt realize I downloaded it the other night. Makes sense now lol Went into the location folder and it was showing a date from two nights ago
  4. No its two different files. Episodes 4 and 5 of Terra Nova
  5. Already checked the video and everything's good. Anybody able to explain? Roadrunner internet and using utorrent 349mb's in 12 seconds http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/IMG_0034.jpg
  6. Bet he's better than 99% of CR's riders http://www.killsometime.com/videos/7377/Motorcycle-Cop-Owns-Obstacle-Course/
  7. 86.6% Hell yeah. Medical knowledge is my friend on this one.
  8. Lol if I'd buy it just for the advertising if I had the cash
  9. Lol yeah I was just thinking we need a new thread soon.
  10. Right time to bump this back up. I'm pretty much done losing weight just focusing on muscle now. On any given day Im between 220 and 225lbs. Wearing 34 waist jeans comfortably and in a large shirt nicely. Would optimally like a 32 waist but not really concerned about it since every clothing manufacturer makes my size that I've looked for. Also being able to buy fitted clothing is amazing. I'm quickly becoming a fan of Banana Republic
  11. Seen claims on youtube of 90whp from a downpipe and tune but can't really verify. They're getting repeatedly bashed in the comments.
  12. Benner


    final score in Delaware's open. Already got my drunk on and home. Surprising at the amount of people there.
  13. Benner


    If you will do earbuds get "Shure" Here's what I had and they were amazing. http://store.shure.com/store/shure/en_US/pd/productID.121026300
  14. Thats the only one I have. Didn't save the original
  15. Iphone 4s with Camera+ Not too bad but a little to noisy. Any idea how I'd go about changing this? http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/892c9e92.jpg
  16. Actually one of the better put together informative videos I've seen and from the 30's/40's even. Pretty good demonstrations http://wimp.com/differentialsteering/
  17. Bet you haven't like this. http://wimp.com/daytimefireworks/
  18. So much Badassness http://wimp.com/everyoneneeds/
  19. Serious. Thinking black hat with silver or white stitching.
  20. Any pics of the hat? I may take one.
  21. Sounded like a tree fell on our room. Walked outside and didn't see any signs of anything except a couple other people on their porches looking around as well.
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