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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Too small for Elk but nothing like picking off coyotes and groundhog at 400yards with a .243
  2. Yeah unfortunately you may have to do that. I've been stalling on doing it myself in the civic
  3. Never mind i'm retarded. Is it throwing any codes? I'm guessing a bad IAC
  4. I demand video. And you should use at least a 18 inch line to see if you can get good accuracy
  5. Benner


    Crazy how much quicker they are with a 60gb SSD. I have a little dual core 1.3ghz laptop with 4gb of ram that'll run circles around most laptops in terms of speed.
  6. Subscribing to watch later
  7. Been chillin around 220 since November. Basically enough to maintain weight but replacing fat with muscle and still losing inches. Haven't been able to lift for about a week and a half as I injured my shoulder/clavicle. However to make up for it, I'm doing some decent cardio work everyday. Running anywhere from a mile or 2 and then hitting the eliptical for at least 10 minutes after. As soon as I'm able to I'm gonna start lifting heavy again with some decent cardio and see how much I can drop, would really like to see 199lbs on the scale then bump back up to around 210 to 215 at 10-12%
  8. I would love that.. Hello Sawzall!!!!:lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:
  9. As far as pre-workouts go.... C4 is a hell of a drug. Comes on quick and also hits even harder. From my experience with losing weight, pre workouts are beneficial only if your workout is gonna be long enough and intense enough to burn up all that sugar and chemicals your putting in your body. If I'm only gonna be in for an hour doing cardio I may pop a caffeine pill and that's it. But if I'm gonna be doing a heavy weight longer workout I'll go hardcore on the pre-workouts just cause I'm going to the point of failure and I want to get as much in as possible before hitting that point of failure
  10. Lol gotta fight them bitch tits
  11. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/s_10153_12605_Health+%26+Wellness_Diet+%26+Nutrition_Diet+Pills?keyword=california+exotic&viewItems=25&sLevel=2&autoRedirect=true&redirectType=CAT_REC_PRED&prop17=california%20exotic
  12. Wow she got hot all the sudden. Is this a post death pic?
  13. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Memes/IMG_0047.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Memes/IMG_0046.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Memes/IMG_0045.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Memes/IMG_0044.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Memes/IMG_0043.jpg
  14. As do I. Fuckin ricers It's Vtec YO!!!
  15. I'm down. Excited to check out this forza equipment. And Monster
  16. Just come up to my garage and I'll get you tatted up nice and deep like.
  17. What a failure. That's Family Guy
  18. Saw this on another forum....Damn http://ingunowners.com/forums/general_firearms_discussion/194739-super_bowl_sniper_indianapolis.html
  19. Haven't laughed at a post this hard in a while. Thanks sir.
  20. Well. I feel bad for the SUV driver honestly. I'm being unbiased and not basing anything off the Intro that states they were drunk. Idiots shouldn't be lining up on a highway like that. What the hell do they expect.
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