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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Hooray Das Borgan actually made me laugh
  2. Wow thanks for the heads up. Hadnt gotten around to replacing it yet but maybe I'll spend the little extra for a company who actually cares about the customer
  3. Got quoted at $170 for my civic with discount auto glass. That's tough to beat.
  4. May take the racecar up and rip off some passes
  5. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/lindsay-lohan-side-boob.jpg
  6. ZOMBIE Gunship on IOS You literally shoot zombies from an AC-130. By far the best game I've played. You can choose between a 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm. It's free for now but I'd pay for it even if it wasn't.
  7. ZOMBIE Gunship on IOS You literally shoot zombies from an AC-130. By far the best game I've played. You can choose between a 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm. It's free for now but I'd pay for it even if it wasn't.
  8. Tamiflu is Rx only. And ur supposed to start it within 24 hours of symptoms IIRC. Plus most insurance won't cover it since ur not considered sick yet. Think it runs around $125 when we sell it
  10. Lol your avatar combined with what you wrote made me lol
  11. The boat and frisbee at the end is nuts http://wimp.com/trickshot/
  12. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/789942_700b.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/790389_700b_v1.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/776780_700b_v1.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/751531_700b.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/758782_700b.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/765217_700b_v1.jpg
  13. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/783951_700b_v2.jpg
  14. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/100lbsdifference.png
  15. http://www.sonsoftheinternet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1283049484912.jpg http://www.sonsoftheinternet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1283049940468.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OvtZNJBs-xI/TIMprSPzz8I/AAAAAAAAAhQ/RDvIZs4-wXw/s1600/1283159357081.jpg http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l652jkARKs1qcqorzo1_500.jpg http://i.qkme.me/B1m.jpg
  16. Sorry I missed it. Ended up to drunk to drive.
  17. As of this morning I'm 100lbs lighter than I was when I started on December 7th. Officially 222.2lbs Feelsgood.jpg
  18. Not yet. Didn't have a chance to get to it today. Should get to it wednesday
  19. I may be there for a bit. Just got off work
  20. Wow thanks for pointing that out. I'm gonna rip it apart tomorrow and take the axle in with me. Hopefully its not to crazy
  21. So I have a 95 civic Dx daily driver with a B16a sir2 in it. Car's manual and been having problems with vibration for a couple weeks now. Finally tracked it down to a bent CV axle on the driver side. What I need to know is if I go to a parts store and buy a driver side axle for a 95 civic DX manual will it fit with the swap that's in it. Thanks for the info.
  22. Busted ass today at the gyms. Did 2 sessions. One primarily weight lifting with 100 situps and 50 deep dips thrown in then another that was mainly cardio with another 100 situps, around 30 pullups total, and some running and then biking. Sitting at 227lbs and 95lbs lost so far. Want 222lbs by Dec 6th so I can say I dropped 100lbs in a year
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