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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Good luck if Jeff Wyler owns it now. Pushiest bastards ever. Looked at a vehicle of theirs and got calls over 6 months after I had already bought another vehicle. Had to call and threaten them to get my number off thier call list
  2. Lol there's a good joke to wake up to.
  3. That turned out amazing. Any idea of the overall cost? Our garage is in serious need of repair but there's only maybe a 1.5 drop from highest to lowest points on it.
  4. Benner

    hi guys

    I'll be over in 15 minutes. Prepare Angus
  5. I'll be out rocking the new ride:lolguy:
  6. No I wish it was. This was with calipers. Names Mike Fitzpatrick. He's at MetroFitness in Delaware where I go.
  7. LOL Nah Still have calluses on both hands. Just tired of ripping them off.
  8. So this thread needs revived. Got my BF% read the other day and didn't get a chance to pick up the results till tonight. Here's the results. 82lbs of fat lost. 2lbs muscle gained (seems off a bit). Thought the body density was pretty funny because I noticed this summer that I no longer naturally float. I have to inhale a ton of air to stay afloat in the pool. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/BodyFat23percent.jpg
  9. Happy beat. I'll give u ur birthday spankings later
  10. Benner


    Wow read that in his voice then. Continued the rest of this thread in that voice
  11. I was on the fence about Shane. Now that bastard needs to die
  12. Good luck on the sale, mines gone as of tomorrow. Meating at the bank for transfer everything over to the new owner. Good gas mileage here I come.
  13. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/193203-1/Weirdest_boner.gif
  14. The GTP should be sold by Friday so I'm gonna be needing a new dd. looking for at least mid 20's mileage and somewhat reliable. looking for under $3000
  15. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/petrock.jpg
  16. Glad i could help (what little I did). Thanks for having us out there. And ur office setup is amazing. I want that desk.
  17. Should have my gtp sold in the next couple weeks. If u still have it ill take a look at it.
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