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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. My car is having hard starts/long cranks every couple drives, and there is a TSB out directly related to it. I haven't gone to a dealer yet as it's not crucial, but the one dealer I called said they don't cover anything and that it'd be like $180-$200 at least, without knowing if they can fix it or not.


    Apparently the dealer reflashes the PCM with the updated whatever to fix it.


    If anyone can look at it/fix it I'll throw you some cash, I'd rather it go to someone rather than a stealership.



    If the pcm needs re-flashed, then you are going to need to take it to a dealer. Ford's scan tool; IDS is quite expensive to buy/maintain so I doubt you'll find someone that has one.

  2. Ya I think test and tune is untill 7 and then the Grudge racing starts. At that point anything goes and no slips at least from what I know...


    I actually just called, the guy said they start Test and tune at 7 then do grudges after.

  3. Not sure why you took my comments that way :confused: I wasn't being condescending. Just as you had a statement followed by a question, I stated a fact answering your question and followed it up with supporting details as to what caused the underexposure. That is all. :no: However by your use of the statement and a question within a single sentence with a comma vs. two separate sentences it is completely plausible and grammatically correct to assume you did mean the underexposure was as a result of the camera being used.


    In terms of photography related topics here on CR I don't think I have ever treated anyone as if they are flat out stupid. I've always supported those with an interest in a very constructive manner and drove the creation of the digital darkroom for just that reason.


    Well, looking back at it I suppose you were not trying to be condescending. I don't know why I took it that way. So, I apologize for being an ass about it. I do understand most of the basics with manually shooting a DSLR. Anyways I probably should have let it be informational for others and not act like you thought I was stupid. :fa:

  4. It's not the camera. FWIW, he's using a 10yr old D60. It's a decent camera. The exposure appears to have been caused because he was in full manual mode and had the shutter speed too high. 1/350th on those shots when he easily could have gotten away with 1/125th at that 70mm range.


    If they were shot RAW, it can be fixed without much issue. I can probably even fix the jpeg. More to come.


    Overall, the shots of Wagner's car work mainly because of the angle. Again, getting low like that is one technique that works.


    I just want to express that I never thought it was the camera. It was a statement followed by a question. I appreciate your vast knowledge, but sometimes you come off as assuming people are flat stupid.

  5. Than the Pulsating feeling of a throbbing cock stuffed into my ass with the force of 6 bulldozers.






    NO KY....


    Real sodomy.


    I think you should lock yourself back in the closet... I mean who really wants to read this shit.

  6. Your safe passing is appreciated...but if i have 4-5' (which really isnt a lot...if someones riding on white line, this can be accomplished with barely going over center line, if at all), im fine...and a 45mph car isnt as bad as it sounds if youre doing 18-22mph...if youre both going the same direction, i see it as the equivelent of how fast a car would seem driving down a neighborhood street while standing at your mailbox since theyve only got 25-30mph on you. And usually, you'll hear them coming up, so its not really a huge surprise. As stated earlier, sidewalks are not for bikes...i posted about my sister crossing and a car bumping her and cops told my mom she should have been riding on the street...at 11 years old...not to mention, sidewalks are horrid on skinny tires...think of driving over half sized speed bumps constantly...thats what it feels like on a road bike.


    Everyone keeps posting about bike paths...theyre fine...for a while...but the same path gets boring as fuck eventually, most are flat, so theres no way to build up strength training on hills, etc. and with all the slow family riders, joggers with dogs, strollers, kids that could jump out, debris from trees and shit, ive had more close calls on 8' 2 lane paths than roads.


    Hell, ive ridden 37 from sunbury to johnstown (gasp! A 2 lane 55mph road with hills and turns!)..i dont recall one car slowing down to pass us...they all flew by at a good speed, and still were able to give us enough comfort room, even with oncoming traffic. Dont assume people coming the other way dont see us, because they usually scoot over a bit to let their oncoming traffic pass.


    Majority of people in here talking shit are keyboard warriors. They know theyre not going to pass too close, because what happens if someone legally on the road gets hit, injured, or even killed? They know theyre gonna be facing jail time for assault, manslaughter, etc. Are they annoyed? Sure, but no one is going to do anything but grit their teeth, pout, and wait to pass (if needed, which highly doubtful they will need to wait, but lets go with it), go around, then head straight home to post on CR asking if other leople get annoyed too. I would love to follow hal around westerville for an hour and see how many times he actually has to hit his brakes or wait for an oncoming car to pass before he can get around a cyclists.


    From a quick google search, travel lanes are approximately 12' wide. Average car width is 6'. That means you could drive and still be in your lane and have 6' from someone riding on the line...if 2 abreast, i might be 2-3 feet into the road, you could pass by going 1' over yellow and still give a safe distance...and i can bet someone coming the other way wont be riding that yellow line putting you at as much risk to move oved slightly as youd be putting someone on a bike at by driving way too close.


    Im not debating people who dont follow the rules arent a nuissance, but to those who do follow the rules, people need to chill the fuck out. If they dont like the rule, do something to change the rule or STFU


    Still, hal is a bag of dicks, and thinks hes hot shit by asking a CAR FORUM if cyclists are annoying. Lets go on a cycling forum and ask if cars are annoying...anyone wanna guess what kind of responses will come up?


    Well, just to follow up, I have seen a few cyclists that are flat out in the way. I guess if you pay attention and are comfortable by riding on roads, then I hope it remains problem free. Personally, unless it were a road a lot less traveled, you won't see me riding on it. Other drivers don't pay near enough attention, and I am not going to put my life at risk to avoid bumps on a sidewalk. Again, if this is what you live for, then by all means I will not stop you, but I wish you luck. Stay alive.

  7. I hate it when there is a cyclist, and traffic is backed up because nobody can pass safely. Don't get me wrong, I will never pass a cyclist unsafely. I could not imagine what it would be like to be them, with 40-60 mph cars flying past and not seeing them. I wish they would use sidewalks when available, and bike paths like in Westerville.
  8. Who made the call to ditch the big plenum? This is going against big turbo set up wisdoms...



    Interested to see how well it works!


    Also interested in this. Unless the hat style intake distributes the air that much more evenly amongst the runners, I'm confused.



    It had a FAST LSX 102mm on it last week? :confused:


    Anyways, Looks amazing as always!

  9. top gear us did a straight line segment but all 3 hosts were there competing with each other


    both top gears have raced cars againest planes, helicopters, etc


    top gear has shot and blown up multiple cars




    besides badly copying top gear:

    the ghost review sucked.. jeremy clarkson blew a tire on a bentley brooklyn review and they were worried about eating a burger in a ghost


    They also should have had to find their own cars for the lemons race instead of just showing up to an already prepared car.. no theme was disappointing (and they actually complained about that guy having dirty hands? he just finished your car for you!)


    interviewed a nascar driver



    I'm at least happy to see people on here were not amazed by the show... i'm already seeing good reviews and not sure why


    next week doesnt look promising.. they seemed to find the most vain females they could with the biggest tits, who probably have issues driving their automatic prisus to the local mall without problems, for a driving lesson in a manual sports car (it might be amusing but i don't have high hopes)


    yeah, I understand that some things will overlap, especially because topgear has been around so long that they have already covered almost everything. I guess I meant that it was not a carbon copy. I did not see any celebrities in cheap cars, or mystery driver setting lap times.


    Don't get me wrong, personally I feel there is no replacement for topgear UK. I'm just saying that I will watch to see if it improves.

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