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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. I've realized. I'm just used to my forums.. with people that never act like that haha. But I get it now. I definitely deserved it.


    Welcome to Columbus Racing.

  2. Why are you still here... Unlike you, i dont back down from fights and act like a giant pussy.


    Its nice knowing I won.:dumb:


    Again, Please explain. What fight was backed out of?

  3. Why are you still here... Unlike you, i dont back down from fights and act like a giant pussy.
    Explain yourself?


    Your arguments, insults, and wit are non-existent.
    Originality is not a strong suit for you... Hal used this earlier.
  4. Funny how you said you were gonna hook up with his girl. His girl is more likely to choose him over you. And thats sad with the amount of his BitchAssNess


    Stop trying to make sense....


    Why are you still here?

  5. Therefore im right, i have no intentions to kill myself, nor have I tried. So thank you steve! :lolguy:


    Seriously, I doubt that Kryptok has eiether. My point is that you told someone who failed real hard, that he should kill himself. Please don't make me link you to the threads involving you and your epic failures. Hypocrite.

  6. Hypocrite is doing something you say not to.

    While this does fit, it is more of an example^^.


    Hypocrite - a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

  7. I'm not the one bickering about a meet. Saying ricer this ricer that, ALL I wanted was for you guys to maybe show up to the meet and be cool about things. But no, you guys had to bash on it for NO apparent reason, that's why I'm like fuck you, it's just stupid how you guys act. I have a right to defend myself from immature adults when I want, it's just straight up stupid how you guys are. I don't care that all you guys bash on everyone and that's how you are with each other but to me it wasn't necessary and it was stupid. I'll make sure and spread the word though about this site.


    Go ahead, we don't need you or your 2 friends. Tell them that a few people didn't care about your super special meet, and that your pussy hurts. :gives:

  8. Fuck you.


    Just trying to do ONE thing, have a simple car meet and you guys have to act like a bunch of immature 10 year olds. No wonder this site has gone so far down hill, blame yourselves.


  9. I have a ps3 that has firmware 3.60(not connected to psn since before security breaches), Ive played maybe 10 hours on it, but my 360 gets more action. Its in perfect condition and comes with:



    Killzone 3 (sold)

    SOCOM: Confrontation


    I'd like to see $250 OBO.

  10. Listing for a friend:


    Procharger P1SC

    All charge piping


    42lb Injectors

    Mounting Bracket



    Injector Conversion Clips


    Asking $2800 OBO Call or text Taylor, 1(262)389-8866. Procharger is Located in Dublin/Muirfield.



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