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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. I would be up for a cruise to MCIR.

    Decent drive, modest price, and people can talk shit, and then race, SAFELY.


    Would be no fun without a bunch of CR folk to banter with though.




    This. I'm definitely up for test and tune, but I don't want to wager money on a race, when I might break.

  2. I am for this, but grudge nights are sporadically placed on the calendar. Sometimes forecasts for rain scare people away. I think it is great that they provide this for a safer alternative. I believe the next one is the 30th, my only problem is if I don't rebuild my diff, there is no way I'm racing for money.
  3. This post serves no purpose...















































  4. Didn't see none of you pussys out when shit got real tonight. I'm done talking about whose faster on the web, the people who were out were the ones who I respect


    I drove by at about 1045, That parking lot was packed! I literally could not find a place to park (the only place I did not look was in the row with the people standing), so I took my slow car home.

  5. Could it be backlash related?
    I has some backlash in it, but the noise that concerns me is only present when turning and under power (ie; turning into my driveway).
  6. I don't think Rob/Gearhead used enough posi additive when he rebuilt the rear. Maybe a fluid change is in order. Hopefully the car is treating you well!


    Yes, it is over all great. I wish it were as simple as a diff fluid change, but it sounds like the spider gears are beat to shit. :(

  7. Mr. Splat, if you saw his S2000 or his old Accord, you'd realize just how wrong you are. He's definitely not a part of that crowd. And for what its worth, my Camaro ran strong as a motherfucker for a bolt-on LS1. It's a shame I never got to race his S2000, or take it to the track and get some times. Maybe the new owner will one day.



    Meh... Let me know when you want to see the 10 bolt shatter. I definitely needs a new one now.

    • Upvote 1
  8. And as for Chris- stop fucking posting you short, fat, chladmyia having retard. U are suppose to be a sponsor. Granted your company fucking sucks but a sponsor non the less. You are not even a troll, you are the fucking munchkin from the wizard of oz, we get it, you bought a car that I wouldnt stick a dog in. it's not fast, it's not cool, it's a fucking pile of horse poop. Yeah your cool because you associate yourself with us at meets, but you act just like the ricers. You draw too much attention to yourself that is unneeded, your not me. When I do it, I get shit done, when you do it, I have to come clean it up. You almost killed your wife because your too dee dee dee to relize when it's ok to race and not. News flash rainman, rain plus slicks does not say let's race. Scott went and got a tetnus shot after riding in your car. You are our embarrassment, do us all a favor, stop fucking posting. Do what Leigh does, come out, stfu, and let the men talk. When I go out of my arena, I shut the fuck up and let the men talk. Learn your place


    Why restrain yourself now?:fuuuu:

  9. Feel free to call/text if you want to meet up 6142719615. Otherwise, Ill be out cruising, and don't hesitate to say hi if you see me.



  10. Hmm any one gonna be off bush tonight?


    Possibly, I'm gonna be cruising with some friends mostly on the north side of town. So if anyone wants to meet up that would be great.

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