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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. how big are aps and such? I dont listen to music and such but concerned that games and apps and such will take up space on the phone so would the 8 gig hold a lot of apps and games?


    ive had one since February, i've never had any problems with it, and the apps that i have downloaded have served a good purpose. there are tons of apps, and yes, some are completely worthless, but if you use discretion to chose what you think you need, you wont end up with a worthless app. my apps, un general, 3 pages worth, take up less than 700mb. i do however have 4.5 gigs of my home selection of music on it, and about 1.5 gigs of pictures. having alot on it will slow it down, but not much.

  2. I Decided I was going to pick up a DSLR. I went out and got a Nikon D60 and a few accessories, and it just so happened that here in westerville they have a bunch of flags up for at least this weekend. In case you photog guys want a stab at it, its on Cleveland ave and Countyline rd at the soccer fields. Well anyways here a shot, and link to some others.


    Remember I'm a novice, but any recommendations or tips for using a DSLR are greatly accepted.






  3. if u have a handheld scanner, how would i know what channels these are on? Im an EMT and i like listening to the EMS calls. The police ones are awesome as well.









    there are some other good sites out there, so a little bit of searching, and i am sure you'll find all you need. +1 on eavesdropping...

  4. You're working with some good guys there at MD. I'm sure they're good teachers. They've always helped when I needed it.


    If they give you a break from wrenching, meander across the lot sometime and take a tour of the place. Not a lift and hardly a tool in sight, but still a fun place for someone who likes cars. :)


    Well, it was a one day type thing, at least as of now. I was only there till about 2:30, right when you guys were drying off the vw. I actually go to the DACC, I was there learning some things that my school doesn't teach, for an automotive tech competition. Like I said, I caught a glimpse inside when i was going to the restroom in the main building, and it looks spotless. :)

  5. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh39/sredman09/dynoday/CIMG1553.jpg




    and a few dyno pulls for shits and grins.


    if anyone has a problem with theirs being up here, let me know, ill take them down.


    Wagner, Me (first dyno experience ever), Anthonys blue formula





  6. My z decided to die on i71 just south of the delaware exit today. I believe the truck operators name was Chris. Very fast service, took special effort not to scrape my bumper, pipes headers etc. I'm quite impressed.
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