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Steve R.

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Everything posted by Steve R.

  1. Steve R.

    GoodGuys Friday

    Feel free to call/text if you want to meet up 6142719615. Otherwise, Ill be out cruising, and don't hesitate to say hi if you see me. http://www.thereaperclan.com/carpics/LSX/DSC_2590sized.jpg
  2. Steve R.

    GoodGuys Friday

    Possibly, I'm gonna be cruising with some friends mostly on the north side of town. So if anyone wants to meet up that would be great.
  3. Nobody wants a brand new ps3?
  4. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Welcome to Columbus Racing.
  5. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Triple cause I fucked your mother.
  6. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Cody, I am waiting on you to justify your comment. If you are embarrassed and wish to PM me to say that you failed, I will understand.
  7. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Again, Please explain. What fight was backed out of?
  8. You are funny when you drink.
  9. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Explain yourself? Originality is not a strong suit for you... Hal used this earlier.
  10. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Why are you still here?
  11. tight enough that you can see slight play in it when pushed on, but it should feel tight / hard to make move.
  12. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Are you mad that your joke wasn't funny or relevant?:no:
  13. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Is that supposed to burn?
  14. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Seriously, I doubt that Kryptok has eiether. My point is that you told someone who failed real hard, that he should kill himself. Please don't make me link you to the threads involving you and your epic failures. Hypocrite.
  15. Steve R.

    Flame war

    While this does fit, it is more of an example^^. Hypocrite - a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
  16. I heard somewhere that they want you to get it appraised if it say gift?
  17. Steve R.

    Flame war

    Go ahead, we don't need you or your 2 friends. Tell them that a few people didn't care about your super special meet, and that your pussy hurts. :gives:
  18. Steve R.

    Flame war

  19. Steve R.

    Flame war

  20. Deal, PM me when & where.
  21. I have a ps3 that has firmware 3.60(not connected to psn since before security breaches), Ive played maybe 10 hours on it, but my 360 gets more action. Its in perfect condition and comes with: GT5 Killzone 3 (sold) SOCOM: Confrontation I'd like to see $250 OBO.
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