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Everything posted by evil8

  1. You better love her, marry her and you'll be picking up the house, she's messy.
  2. Needs a bigger turbo so it can go all the way through the hood!!
  3. Thats the reason they don't let Jesus race anymore, his dad gives him Godspeed.
  4. evil8

    2005 Cts-v

    Now is the time to do it... They are in the low 20's. All you have to do is look cross-eyed at an LS motor and they make more power..
  5. evil8

    2005 Cts-v

    If he has any issues with the rearend, take it to the dealer and bitch. They will put in the 06' rear which is much better than the 04-05. I had mine replaced twice, oops. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/evil8/BlackCaddy.jpg?t=1207015758
  6. Are you going to trade your current car? Or pay down the loan and sell outright? One thing you have to look at is if you trade in the current vehicle it will offset some of the taxes on the new purchase. If you sell outright, that offset is lost.
  7. Black top is on the way. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/evil8/samurai003.jpg?t=1206664583
  8. This Forum is Popular. Honda digs it. http://automobiles.honda.com/images/2008/s2000/exterior-gallery/cr/gal_lg7.jpg
  9. MMMM crazy bitch sex...
  10. Your manager is open to the liabilities of modifying vehicles?
  11. Maybe the new Evo. Does RX7 with LS swap equal foreign or domestic?
  12. The air from the A/C would have more oxygen in it than the exhaust. It would be cooler as well, and would actually continue to run. The DEI setup would eventually starve itself of oxygen and fail.
  13. This idea is 25% better than the Direct Exhaust Injection idea.
  14. I wouldn't touch her, not because of the missing leg. Her right knee has a funny looking dimple in it, GROSSS!
  15. evil8

    Pryor to OSU!

    Does the SEC win the national championship every year? No , So Fuckem!! Is Ohio State going to the National Championship three years in a row? Ohio State triplepost in the National Championship!!!
  16. 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, V8, AWD. Loaded in your price range. Pics upon request.
  17. That should be outlawed. But then only outlaw aliens will have them.
  18. This is BS, I made an apology last week to the "hot asian girl sexorcist" and received no such accolades. Hipocrasy!!!
  19. I get my water 200 feet underground, no wonder I am so unhappy. Well water FTL.
  20. Demi Moore, Alssa Milano, Flip a coin.
  21. That looks like the same "before" bathroom in this photo. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z138/07Bullitt/poop.jpg
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