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Everything posted by evil8

  1. Thats not a good idea. A good rap of the throttle could put that on its side. I have seen a similar setup with 4 legs , much better.
  2. Ooowwww, my tendons are aching now.
  3. Couldn't you tell I was typing the Man In Black? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvmDgNxlrkU
  4. Best thing ever!! I was 20/135 left eye, 20/95 right eye, I now knock down the 20/10 line all day. Four years on the new eyes and they rock.
  5. Your own......Personal........Jesus.
  6. You could have avoided this by not being gay!! Cmon avp-r?? You were asking for it George Michael.
  7. Disregard previous post.. THE Ohio State University FTW!!!
  8. I think you upset the dogs.
  9. OSU hasn't offered up a vette yet?
  10. If you respect your company/boss, and have been treated fairly, take it easy. If you feel the opposite, go for the kill. How you react can affect your long term.
  11. ^^^^pssssssssst, I am actually trying to get this, but,thanks for your help.
  12. evil8

    New Tires

    Watch out for the BFG kd's, the last set I put on the CTS-V only made it about 50 miles before they needed replaced. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/evil8/BlackCaddy.jpg?t=1202273335
  13. Forget about z ohh 6 and the variations thereof. I tryed to get those for mine and they were all gone. Plug em all into oplates.com to see if they are available. There are also some restrictions on where you put the numbers in the plate. I don't think you can get numbers in the middle.
  14. Too much skill required for you to drive a manual?
  15. Who are you nutswinging off of, the camaro god's? Are you interested? No=STFU
  16. http://www.true-connections.com/images/ET-7060.jpg
  17. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/evil8/453.jpg?t=1202265988
  18. Lets reword this: Fast bike or Fast car to have dirty sex with Megan Fox?
  19. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o66/daryl442/bureski1.jpg
  20. Did you check out the license plate in the first vid?
  21. evil8

    Cb radio

    I rock one in the motorhome, it helps out bigtime on interstate issues.
  22. ^^If thats the price, I can be there in about an hour.
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