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Everything posted by nyall86

  1. I started in CIS but I switched to NCM and graduated with that. I think COLL147 and PSYC... in those rooms where the desks are built in.
  2. Welcome.. nice rides... btw I remember you from classes at DeVry my freshman year.
  3. Welcome... I love the car... clean rx7 ftw
  4. Welcome.. +1 on tinting the windows some
  5. Hmm sorry typed gun in search and didn't see any direct threads for it. My bad
  6. Had this article forwarded to me by a buddy at work. http://www.cleveland.com/realtimenews/index.ssf/2008/09/innocent_before_guilty_new_sel.html Discuss
  7. Nice that is right by my work. Ryan lets go.
  8. I think this is going to be a good season!
  9. nyall86


    I love this show.. recommend watching from the start or it will be hard to understand
  10. Pretty sure that's the same car. This is my friend Nick and I know he bought it off my friend Aaron who got it off craigslist. ha
  11. Welcome.. love s2ks.. get some pics up of it clean
  12. flavab play cod4 mostly but have halo3 and some other games
  13. Some of these people need to find better things to do than boycott movies... its all for a fing laugh....
  14. FD is awesome but look how much luck you have had trying to sell it... go with the vett
  15. My roommate is looking for something and he said he would pay 40$.
  16. nyall86


    Competition Racing is the closest one in Ohio located in Nasty Nati (Cincinnati). Here is a good article on it http://archive.cinweekly.com/content/2004/04/07/0407recgokart.asp. And here is the link to their website http://www.competitionracing.net/ .
  17. Heard this service was very unreliable and kept going down a lot for a friend. This may just of been the area she was in, but she switched back to TW after a month of going offline 4 times a day. Just a heads up.
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