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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. I'll keep an eye out for you, hopefully this thing called summer shows up soon!


    No green here....Charcoal and bright Red. Here's the new girl after taking it for a spin at pickup a couple weeks ago.




    Nice boats!

  2. Legit question, do they clean their tap lines as they rotate? I've found this to be a common problem for restaurants that constantly rotate beers, they don't properly clean the lines and shit gets naaaaasty.


    For instance I know 101 Beer Kitchen cleans their shit, there's been a few times I couldn't get what I wanted cuz they were cleaning.




    That's like every nasty Lakewood bar in the Cleveland area.



    Most places I know of clean 2x a month.

  3. Depends, you can get a similar setup to the same they have at guitar center and it works fantastic. If you want a guy a couple houses down from me does recording inside his house professionaly im sure you could check out how his setup is and talk to him about things




    I live in NC.


    I had no idea companies strictly do soundproofing, found someone local who is coming out to check the space out.


    Thanks guys.

  4. What is it for and what are you trying to sound proof it from?


    Insulation material will help the best things are the foam you use in a music room but it will cover your walls( idk of you care about that) there is also paste you can coat your ducts with so it doesn't transfer through then as well into other rooms, specific double sealed doors are available to reduce noise.



    It's for drums, I cannot stand playing electric crap and don't get the full use out of a acoustic set. They make basically a mini room that would enclose the kit but I'm not sure how well those actually work.




    Appreciate the responses.

  5. Are you looking to finish off a room/basement? or just adding some stuff to an existing room to reduce noise?


    Adding to an existing room.



    I've never had any experience with this and pretty much would like it to be as silent as possible. I don't want my neighbors to end up killing me

  6. Assuming at least one person on here has experience with soundproofing a room, you know, because you were beating the wife and tired of the neighbors calling the cops.



    Any tips or specific products to use or avoid?

  7. The one that moved with you? Fuckin' skanks.




    No crazy story though, she is just super boring and didn't fit into my lifestyle, so I parted ways... Even let her live in my place for like 6 months after the fact, bringing girls around was weird though.. :lolguy:

  8. My manly dog









  9. I am one on the managers that deals with hiring (sales) for my company 400 or so employees at corporate, about 1000 Nationwide. sales floor at corp is 80-90 deep and is a high energy floor.


    I can tell you we look at social media before ANY interview, unless the first interview was at a job fair. Ohio is an at-will state, and really we can hire and fire for whatever reason we please. So can anyone.


    We are here to make money, not make friends. We also hire every person with the goal of having them as a long term asset to the company, not just a seat filler. It takes 4-6 months to get someone trained, licensed, and working to capacity all of which costs money, and we pay them a nice salary to listen, learn, and test. Thats a LOT of time and money wasted if they don't work out. We don't want people with baggage, or potential HR issues on our floor. Also, due to licensing requirements, no felonies, no prosecution for anything related to theft or fraud...ect. the 5 minutes of screening we do saves a lot of wasted time and money on people who wouldn't work out in the long run.


    I do the same exact thing, research the hell out of the person online before I even met them for a interview. Easy way to weed through shit

  10. see above. wisconsin is very good in terms of giving equal custody. i was very concerned how i was going to be productive and earn the same living, have a worthwhile practice, with being a good father, and legitimately doing 50% custody. it is HARD fucking work when i have the kids and have to work a full time job. i just buckle down, man-up, and prepare my ass off.


    that's why i justify buying stupid shit i don't really need.


    Only on this blue marble once!

  11. So, why don't I get a beater Gallardo? That's really the argument. Also that mentality only lasts so long. We can just pass cars endlessly around the car community for the sale resale value. Eventually, someone is going to lose. Its like a shitty game of hot potato.




    Or, buy this, put 2 car seats in it, drive it for 3 years, and break even. ;)





    Like I said, it usually works 9 out of 10 times in my favor but for the times it doesn't, it's not that big of a deal. It's a much better method than some % of income crap.... Gallardo prices have slightly risen since last year, I was going to scoop one up myself but came to the realization it would be a pointless purchase as the performance of that car is out dated and much better buys for that money.



    Also if you're having to contemplate a purchase for 27k, like the car listed maybe you shouldn't purchase it.............

  12. You're going to get a million different responses, as everyone is going to be in different situations.



    75% of my car/bike/watercraft purchase are made knowing I will get sick of them fairly quickly and not own them for too long, so I buy smart. Pretty much 9 times out of 10 I will either break even or make money when I resell so I never focus on it as a percentage of income or anything.

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