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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. Two words that wreck the look of that car...




    For anyone that buys that thing and then goes to put a front plate on it...where does it go?


    Leave Ohio? :lolguy:



    I love the look of this thing, and it sounds amazing to boot. 500+ HP sedans are exciting.

  2. :lol: You guys read that wrong. I'm not saying HE buys the car and then pays me money, I was saying I uy the 930 and he gives me the difference of 30k..


    For example I buy it for 28k and difference is 2k but anyway it was more of a joke then anything who the hell would give someone money for the free.. no need to get butt hurt fruits.


    However, I did find one for a little over my budget and situating the deal right now. If everything goes through should have by mid next month.


    Will keep ya updated


    I'm just trying to wrap my head around, why you wouldn't pick up a 930 you can get for 30k or less? But want to spend 20k on some ratted out Porsche? That 930 would easily yield a 30k or more profit if it's as you state? :no:

  3. Why would anyone do that? If he really wants one he would find it himself. He wouldn't need you to be a middle man.


    Exactly, that makes absolutely zero sense to me or anyone who isn't a fucktard with half a brain.


    I do kick myself for not picking one up 2-3 years ago for mid 30s, but that's life.



    I don't understand the point of this thread if you can get a 930 for 30k, but want to spend 20k on something beat..... Take a look at what 930s are trading for.

  4. Lol total opposite of why I started the thread, should be the other way around :D Its not listed and I know owner personally. I could PM details in future if I don't pick it up but doubt he'd let it go to someone for my price..


    Why on earth would you pass up a clean 930 for 30-40k, only to purchase a clapped out Porsche for 20k? :masturboy:

  5. I can buy a nice 964/930 for 30-40k but that takes the fun out of it. Won't go out of my way just yet. I'll update the thread if I pick something up. Don't think my first one will have a Porsche drivetrain lol. I like Caymans but don't want anything but a 911 as of right now. Ill keep searchin



    Show me a nice 930 for 30-40k and I will purchase it today.

  6. I came across the aluminator's this weekend. Just seems like so much money.


    2012 Mustang GT $25000

    Aluminator is $9000

    Sell stock motor -$3000 (does that sound right?

    TT kit $5,000

    Tuning system/tune $1700???


    $37,700, which wouldn't be bad for a car that can do 130mph+ or whatever it would do, but that's without touching wheels/tires/transmission. Wheels/tires would be a must based on what I have seen from the high power mustangs down here, and even then they are still losing traction. Comes down to the stock auto trans...how is that going to handle that kind of power?


    Then just buy a slightly used gt500. It's ALWAYS best to purchase the highest factory model, as you cannot replicate it for less. Better brakes, suspension, different motor, etc....

  7. You received an $8000 tax return which you spent on things you didn't need at the time. Your wife took out loans that were unnecessary so that you could buy more things you didn't need. Now you are having trouble paying for the things you DO need to live, and to work to make extra money.




    If you would like real, actual help with your finances, I am willing to help you straighten your shit the fuck out. This comes with the stipulation that if you do not listen to me, I would walk away and shake my head as I watch the plane crash into the mountain.






    Take this guy up on this offer, you need serious guidance.

  8. Pain to fly, expensive to learn as a privateer.


    Small fixed wing is where its at. Get some "road" tires on it an fly it out of our backyard.



    I see a few seaplanes as well along the water, which are equally as rad.


    But hoping in the back yard, and a quick 90 minute flight to the beach would be nice, or 10 minutes to uptown where you can land at a hotel would become very useful with the traffic here. I don't have helicopter money though :fuuuu:

  9. I was expecting this the first time I flew in one, but I found it surprisingly smooth. They are very loud though.



    Yeah same here, very loud but that's about it granted all trips have always been very short but that's pretty much the only reason for one are short trips

  10. Not a odd car or anything, just a odd sight. This was a fwd audi tt pulling two 3 seater jet skis and trailer... these skis are almost 800 pounds a piece and a few hundred pound trailer. it struggled to get up the boat ramp with the jet skis off trailer, i cant imagine it was able to get back up with the jetskis on it.






    That's crazy. I get some crazy looks when I use my Abarth to tow my Ski, the Ski and trailer and longer than the car :lolguy:

  11. There's a guy my dad knows that lives on his triple decker houseboat on Lake Cumberland and flys his personal helicopter to his office in the city everyday. That's his commute. Met him once, totally down to earth guy.




    Now that's living! I've seen a few where the boats are below, and the helicopter is above. I always see them buzzing around the lake but assumed it was because a airport is along the lake..... Insane money to maintain those things.

  12. Screw cars, a helicopter is what you need!



    I'm out on the lake 3-5 times a week, and spot at least one helicopter at someone's home, crazy. Sucks wanting something that literally makes no sense.



  13. 2015 is more than I want to spend. They are awesome but not $44k nice. And yes I plan to negotiate some more.


    36 to 44 isn't really much of a leap, and it's that much more of a car. I'm sure someone here could hook you up.

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