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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. Eh, they seem to be dead nuts reliable @ 700whp. I could live with that as a DD. :)


    Ims issues and the coolant pipes that need the motor pulled to fix scare me, and the interior is garbage after you've been in a 997. If you're serious about a 996 though you can get one fairly cheap, good value for the money

  2. I test drove an S 2 weeks ago. The low end is nice, but similar to the Prius I drove the week prior. I describe it as instant momentum, not thrust. Thrust is what I want. Its just odd really, and didn't do anything for me as a car enthusiast. I did not buy, and actually left thinking I would never buy. It became apparent to me that the big appeal to a Tesla is still exclusivity IMO. I am not enough of a douche to care about that. As far as the gas mileage goes, I'm not nerdy enough to drive a sports car that makes no sound. Maybe when I retire?




    Even then I'd still get a NEW Prius and a Used 911, cut the mufflers off that, use the rest on hookers and blow.


    All that > Tesla



    Or look like a douche in a Prius while your 996 is spewing coolant everywhere ;)



    Model S is awesome for what it is, just have to be open minded

  3. I have a friend who used to have one. Best he ever saw was 24 mpg highway. NNope at least for me.


    That's around the best any of my 4cyl turbo Saabs ever got, I had near 5? I haven't owned one in forever but my last one was a 05 9-5 turbo.

  4. It really does. It reminds me of a bullet train, sleek and aerodynamic.




    I didn't want cramped back seats, unreliable awd system and shitty mileage.


    They still get decent mileage and are a complete steal.


    Enjoy the new car

  5. I think it will be another Lotus Elise...not great for comfort but very capable...looking forward to seeing it in person-and driving one. Reliability will be intersting


    Anyone who is looking at a 4c for comfort is an idiot, same thing as for the Elise, people complain about lack of storage and comfort..... It's obviously no GT car...


    Once the regular 4c are out (hopefully not too long) I will end up with one, if I don't purchase something in the meantime... Great bargain at mid 50s

  6. Not that I (or most of us who are married) have to ask, I do it out of respect for my wife.


    Also, Kirk, that sucks to hear. Hope things get better for ya.


    Everyone I've been around that is married, I always hear my wife won't let me do this, she would never allow me to purchase that, etc.


    I don't get the concept of marriage, maybe it's because I'm not religious but being in a serious relationship and being married to me are the same thing besides a piece of paper.

  7. I remember I was a senior in high school when this happened, I watched the second plane hit in math class. I remember someone asking the spanish teacher to turn on the tv so we could see what was going on, her response was "this is spanish class, not whats going on in America class". Fucking bitch.




    I remember being in a art class watching it on TV, got sent home early.

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