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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. If they honestly can't approve your vacation/leave with a 5-month advance notice then you've probably got bigger issues working for them...that or your boss is a complete idiot and douche...



    Exactly, it's a damn car dealer...




    Kirk, in this situation I agree with you 100%!


    However, the guy works at a Chevy dealer where no lives are at stake!


    What could he possibly do for them that they can't let him have two or three days off with 5-months notice... :p




    Yeah much different circumstances..

  2. Sounds like you need a new job.


    Putting a request in 4 months away and possibly being denied is insane. I can call off anytime I want and have someone flown in to cover me. One time I was denied a full day off, and only given a half day and almost quit over that.

    But I do work alone and calling off a day prior isn't the best solution for anyone..



    I would tell him flights paid for, you approved it. Either fire me over it or I'm taking the time off

  3. I say that if you choose to go over to Africa to help people with Ebola and end up with it, Dont expect me to feel sorry for you. I also think that the people that go over to risk their lives to treat folks with Ebola are way better a person than I am. I happen to love my family more than anything and would never be so selfish as to chance my life and risk not being in theirs.



    You sound like Donald Trump, and that is never a compliment. Obviously :gabe:

  4. Which at $2k I thought was worth the risk.


    Eh you can get a Yamaha of the same year for under 2k and alot more reliable. Sea Doo scare me



    I live on a lake and people are always complaining about their two stroke Sea Doo.

  5. Columbus State has plenty of "older" folks. In almost every class i have taken there are 30-50 year old students so don't feel stupid for returning. However, i did NOT see this at Ohio State. Like Jewtoys basically said, it depends on the school. Big schools have alot of students from rich parents that send them off right out of high school. Smaller school are for the less fortunate but for folks who still want to make something of themselves.


    One thing i would keep in mind is that curriculum is constantly changing, so any classes you have taken in the past will probably be of no real value towards a degree. Hell, i have been going part time for the last 4 years (2 year school might i add) and the classes have changed just during that short period.


    Another thing to consider... If you're going to get some sort of aid, I recommend going full time and here's why: If you don't go full time, it takes forever. During that extended time the interest on the loans adds up big time. Ill be at nearly 25k for a fucking associates because i go part time. If you're only going to go part time really try to pay out of pocket. It will save you endless amounts of interest in the long run.


    None of this is relevant if you want to be an attorney. Going to need to go bigger. Much bigger.







    Before you take the plunge make sure it's what you truly want. Also note you will not be guaranteed a job just because you have a piece of paper. College will end up setting you back a good bit, and you could possibly be worse off after the fact.

  6. We all love to joke and rib at on favorite/ least favorite cars.

    At the end of the day, you have to respect what this car is. A factory 7xxhp 10 second car for 60k. I think it's a bargain if you are looking for the type of performance is provides.




    I don't care for the car, but I like that it exists.

  7. This. The 6.0 (VT365) is a very good engine, just with Hippie EPA bullshit attached to it. Drive the truck regularly, delete the EGR system, add an improved fuel filter setup (and change filters regularly!!) And you'll have keep repairs low.


    Didn't they also have issues with sand or something in the cooling system and headgasket issues?



    I almost bought a 55k mile 6.0 f250 before I picked up my truck.

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