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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1340/tumblrlle5w0grxf1qz5nsd.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. I agree with that guy lol. I got mine from thegearbox.com they sell all of that stuff there at a good price.
  3. haha i kept driveing mine also and 3rd and 4th compleatly went out, but i ended up buying an rpm tranny.
  4. its not necessarily the master cylinder but you can get a tick adjustable master cylinder which also helps, but in the stock fbody line that gos from the master cylinder to the slaver cylinder they put a reducer in the line to lessen the flow so the clutch wouldnt grab as hard to attempt to ad some more time to the already borrowed time the glass 10 bolt has.
  5. I had the same issue several times and it was the syncro key and then the syncros went. Also there is a drill mod you can do, you drill out a small reducer in the braded line going from the master cylinder to your transmission, search for more details on ls1 tech.
  6. I got super lucky, I found mine in georgia and the guy was actually from oh ohio and didn't mind to drive it up.
  7. Yea I originally wanted a c5z but i couldn't find an 04 that wasn't yellow.
  8. Yes sir that would be me. Ccw would look great but id have to take out another loan to afford them lol. Thanks for all the compliments its truly an awsome car.
  9. Thanks for all of the compliments, I love the car and ill have to make sure I learn all the little things like leaving it in reverse. It's like figuring out a new computer lol.
  10. Im not sure I was thinking about it.
  11. Thanks. umm visualy im gonna powder coat the wheels black this weekend and other than that probably just do bolt-ons for now, then down the road im sure it will get heads and cam.
  12. So I sold the camaro Wednesday of last week and picked up my vette saturday morning. The car is originally a from texas and the guy that I bought it off of was from Georgia, conveniently the guy had family here in Columbus so he drove the car here Friday evening and I picked it up off of him saturday. The car is an 05 with 72k miles and it is bone stock right down to the paper air filter. Here is what she looks like as of right now. http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/7923/vette12.png http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1104/vette11.jpg http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/5112/vette6.jpg http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8486/vette5.jpg http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7078/vette3.png http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3075/vette2.jpg http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/1926/vette4o.jpg http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/5545/vett7.jpg http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4949/vette9.jpg http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8549/vette10.png
  13. It was from georga, its an 05 silver c6 with 71k miles
  14. I found a car this thread can be locked.
  15. Thanks for all the info ill keep it all in mind, I found a c6 that meets all the banks requirements, so if they still try to dick me around ill go to a credit union.I just found out tonight that threw my work I can also get a deal threw telhio so ill see how it plays out in the morning.
  16. I've tried a few, and to get an auto loan they all want it to be within seven years from this year and then they don't want to give a 23 year old that much on a personal loan.
  17. they will give me a $25,000 loan for an 04 or newer but they wont give me a $16,000 dollar loan for an 03.
  18. yep lol, i had an 03 i was gonna buy and they wouldnt do it because of it not being in there 7 year range. yea ive been looking on there quite a bit and it seems like every 04 is yellow.
  19. Likew the title says im looking for either an 04 c5z perferably red or silver or an 05-06 c6 has to be manual and perferably white, red, or silver under 100k miles, $25k or lower. let me know what you guys have or if you have seen cars a dealerships around thanks.
  20. A 19 year old kid from dayton. the two I've had my eyes on are red and silver.
  21. Car is sold, mods can lock this.
  22. Your car is nasty man,Nice runs!
  23. Bump, price is negotiable
  24. Thanks guys....P you should buy it ill work with you on the price.
  25. So this is the reason for the amount of bus lengths you put on me lol.
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