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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. All yalls shits weak...put Steve Cory and tys cars all together ill still smash them all!!
  2. No it dosnt...lol it holds the driveway down like a boss.
  3. The dude in the 700 wheel cobra can drive but the car wasnt set up rite, I just blew the tires off.
  4. Hell yea, I bet it will be a beast at the track! What kind of times are you hoping for?
  5. eww lol....You shoulda came I was trying to get sooo many people to come and everyone had excuses.
  6. Sounds awesome, what kind of power does it make?
  7. You'll blast me, he puts cars on me!
  8. He missed a gear in the one race that was it.
  9. Yea he ran an lt1 car, and like two foxes.
  10. What a dick! I can't wait for spring..
  11. He sprayed them both....I think Steve lost to the gt2 cause he hit rev limiter but I guess its still a loss..
  12. I know me either...I cant wait to have more people that will actually travel it was just the two of us that went down to middle town and I might have well not even been there lol my shit is weak.
  13. this was friday night,,,thgere wasnt shit going on last night.
  14. im pretty sure it has a built motor and a big shot, it runs mid 11s.
  15. from right to left...660 wheel whippled cobra, smilys vette, me and left of me is a c6z 50 roll Me vs an srt8 300c and on my left is a gt500 50 roll Me, middle gt500 and far right 300c 50 roll Here is a video from all night, if you want to see the races skip to 5 minutes and then to 9 minutes, its the same races from a different view. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDzTil2KdBM
  16. Thanks giving bump, glws .... you should def come out friday, it will be a blast!
  17. We had both the cars on the Dyno last night, my car made 373my and the ta made 433
  18. Its still just long tubes x pipe and ported intak
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