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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. OOOOOooooo!!!Christmas dinner should be interesting! Maybe santa will bring cory and ls motor to swap into that car so he can go fast.
  2. Am I going to have to separate you two Hahaha.
  3. Mmm.....and you lost to Steve to
  4. http://i.imgur.com/KfEKr.gif OH NO HE DI'INT!!
  5. Will you split? If so how much for the motor.
  6. When the dude made the courageous decision to bail out out of the golf cart I lost it.
  7. http://www.dpccars.com/car-videos-11/12-19-11page-Run-Away-Golf-Cart-Runs-Over-People-Cowboys-Stadium.htm
  8. When are you buying the wings for it?
  9. He could leave it the way it sits and do the driver mod and it would fly.
  10. I don't think he has his stock motor, I hurd it was at ips.
  11. Like the title says im looking for a compleat ls3 intake manifold set, let me know what you've got. Thanks, Casey
  12. I got a set if heads. This can be locked.
  13. Yea that's what I figured, thanks for asking though.
  14. Im only looking to spend around $500 at the most. There's two sets on tech I've got my eye on for that price. I know ported ones go for alot more than that but if you'll take 500 ill pick them up this weekend.
  15. Like the title says im looking for ls3/l92 heads. Let me know what you've got. Thanks Casey
  16. Slices threw the air like a car ninja!!
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