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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Haven't had to do anything with my insurance. I had called progressive (their insurer) and they contacted out and arranged just about everything. They wanted to tell me to go to some shops literally in the fucking hood and I just stopped the guy mid conversation, named a shop, and he said okay. Setting me up with a rental too, can't wait to see what piece of shit they stick me in all weekend while doing the estimate. Goes to shop tomorrow, I'm going to tell shop about aftermarket parts and all that, and to call me on anything. If there is no structure damage I'm probably going to just take a check tbh.
  2. just yolo some calls at appl earnings stonks go up (currently down $700 for the year)
  3. oof, at least I'm with USAA and not going against them? I'm expecting the diminished value part to be a bitch (rental as well) If they send me to more than one place for an estimate I'm telling them I'm billing them for my time. Get fugged. Also, I got hit basically in front of a bunch of lawyer offices at 3rd and main downtown. I was expecting them to come fucking running. Thanks for replies all. I haven't heard anything from their insurance yet. I will be calling tomorrow.
  4. Thread title. I got rear ended downtown today by a kid on his phone. Funny enough a cop was RIGHT BEHIND HIM and cited him for failure to maintain distance, and gave me a copy of everything with a case number. Bumper is busted good, one of the quarters might be pushed a tiny bit. Question 1: How do I play this to my advantage and not get fucked? I haven't called my insurance yet (USAA) I was advised to let the other company call me first and fall back to mine if they give me the shaft. The other driver has Progressive (could be worse) Obviously I'm going to tell them to pound sand on whatever shop they recommend. Question 2: What's the goods on "aftermarket" parts? I'm not talking about non-OEM replacements, but aftermarket I've installed, such as my exhaust. Part of it is bent where the tail pipes stick out and got hit and one of the hangars broke off. Am I going to be able to fight for a replacement non-oem system here, or will they just cut me a check for that? Question 3: Diminished value, is there a formula for this or are they going to give it to me long dick style if I bring it up?
  5. I need to finally buy some vz61 parts kits for all these vz61 lowers I'm printing
  6. I have experience with both of these machines of previous generations. They're both good decisions. I have a spectre (not the x360, the ultrathin one) that has held up very well over the past 3 years. My dad and brother have yogas that are decent, I just wish they had USB-C charging.
  7. might do springs in the...spring. car already handles incredibly for street driving, not sure if i'll gain anything from it. maybe if i can find one of the z1 q50 lsd's used i'll grab one but otherwise car is in a happy place for me
  8. Ability Affordability Portability pick two
  9. Best: Anything with the hellcat motor, because "budget" S/C V8 > * Worst: RAV4 or anything with a CVT
  10. Measure the size and I'll print these for you https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3018176
  11. Trump on twitter is what makes Trump, Trump. We elected this brazen asshole and he is pulling out the worst in others and exposing them. Is it a good thing? Maybe. Is it "presidential" ??? Hell no. Is it driving the economy like fucking mad? Yes. This guy is the opposite of Jimmy Carter who I'd say is a super great person, bad president. FOUR MORE YEARS
  12. 1000w is overkill 1500w is waste of money
  13. I've had the same wallet since i was like 15 its falling apart idgaf because I'm not a hipster or rich enough to care what holds my lack of money
  14. I have 32gb because SQUAD alone I've witnessed consume 14gb.
  15. I have a bottle of the green volvo powersteering fluid if you want it
  16. https://www.woot.com/offers/sainsmart-x-creality-ender-3-pro-3d-printer-3?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_1 $160 Creality Ender 3 pro 3d printer. Pretty good deal for something that'll happily spit out lower receivers... Bought one.
  17. Title explains it all. This is a 980ti Classified 6gb (fastest of any of the 980ti cards) with a NZXT G10 watercooling bracket and Corsair H90 (I think? its 140mm) water cooler. Will include original box and cooler.
  18. I didn't think they could actually pull you over for either of those things unless union has their own law regarding it, both are equipment violations
  19. I'd only drive fun cars that don't advertise that I'm Oprah rich. No need for anything big, I have people to move shit for me. Probably hop between upper tier AMGs and weird shit like LS swapped volvo wagons. edit: also whatever the largest armored military vehicle I could make road legal is. MRAP or something.
  20. You should paint/plastidip the car some obnoxious color. You also need a prancing moose on that thing, immediately.
  21. I didn't see any police in that video?
  22. these have been the only tires I've bought in the last 4 years they last okay. they are NOT a 40k mile tire in my experience.
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